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Not receiving pushwoosh push notification message in the device

I just installed the pushwoosh for android/phonegap and I am testing it with an android device connected to my laptop. It seems that the device has been registered successfully but after sending a push notification message, the notification was not displayed on the device. In the show detail message in pushwoosh, it says "unauthorized", not very sure what the unauthorized here means? I could see 1 subscriber in pushwoosh and this should have indicated that the notification have reached android galaxy note.

Any advice would be helpful. The catlog is as below:

05-16 09:49:27.509: I/GCMIntentService(21339): Device registered: regId = APA91bGgV04WDohU3SOorijBG6Qa_Duu6HytWwqemyH0CzsRep2OLe-DgSChzwTcqu_xDrFALY34lmbuiaFeNQptaMQ14NaYfl3syLzEa1Vi3OQQ10rZLSY0EqTPydUrVerK8DNCyxBy 05-16 09:49:27.509: W/DeviceRegistrar(21339): Try To Registered for pushes 05-16 09:49:28.119: W/PushWoosh: NetworkUtils(21339): PushWooshResult: {"status_code":200,"status_message":"OK","response":null} 05-16 09:49:28.119: W/PushWoosh DeviceFeature2_5(21339): Send AppOpen success

I had the same issue on the null message. Looking at my console log I found this:

message is: {"message":"test", *other stuff here* }

After looking around I found this answer, which solved the problem for me. (and was actually embarrassingly obvious)


I hope that works for you as well!

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