When passing a Bitmap to a method using thread.Start() and later calling bitmap.save() it throws the exception Invalid parameter when trying to save i ...
When passing a Bitmap to a method using thread.Start() and later calling bitmap.save() it throws the exception Invalid parameter when trying to save i ...
I made a python script that runs a GDI PATCOPY effect. I wanted to add audio while it works so I used python's winsound module for making beeps and py ...
I detect faces in image files inside a folder using Emgu CV. I'm using a foreach loop for this. However, the form does not respond until the whole pro ...
I'm going to start by describing my use case: I have built an app which processes LARGE datasets, runs various transformations on them and them spits ...
According to the documentation for ReentrantLock.newCondition(), the calling thread needs to own a lock before calling a signaling method: If this ...
I have a question about threads in Java. I have the following code: Why if I introduce an interrupt does it still enter the loop? (without break). ...
On executing the following code, the statement System.out.println("completed"); gets executed before the executor even though delay is set to 0. Why i ...
I have a thread A which permanently listens for events. When an event for a particular resource R1 arrives, it starts thread B and passes the job to B ...
In the below code snippet, I notice the following sequence of execution. Why is the control going back to the flow outside the someMethod() before com ...
I currently have a sequential code with the following parts (all parts are properly encapsulated and isolated in class methods and so on): Frame c ...
I've encountered a problem where the task directive seems to slow down the execution time of the code the more threads I have. Now I have removed all ...
I have a generic multiprocessing worker class that takes items from a queue to be processed. A user of the worker class would need to pass a function ...
I'm currently reviewing concurrency and wanted to double check my understanding. Let's say I have a simple queue class that I want to use multiple th ...
Referring to following code example, I want the main thread to supply the number num that the child thread is expecting using scanf. I tried this way ...
doit is a Qthread subclass with a signal kif() but the signal emitting is not working I want to show the resualt of gav() on one of my editLines at th ...
I'm working on a project that involves computationally intensive tasks that I want to run in parallel. To do so, I'm using multiple async statements t ...
I'm working with a struct where I need to read the GPIO pin of a Raspberry Pi, and increment a 'register' within the struct every time the pin goes hi ...
I am trying to build a common lisp implementation of the channel construct of Golang for a personal project (also to learn lisp). So far I've implemen ...
I want to insert multiple records in a multi-thread function into DB and after inserting a specific amount of records i become always the following ex ...
This is a program that does a directory tree listing using asynchronous tasks in C++. my problem is in each function call the variable 'vect' is crea ...