I'm trying to copy data of first two rows from excel and copy to text/.DAT file. Using openpy excel but failing when copying data to .DAT file. I'm ge ...
I'm trying to copy data of first two rows from excel and copy to text/.DAT file. Using openpy excel but failing when copying data to .DAT file. I'm ge ...
Qiskit error code 'qr' not defined It should be defined I expect. It may be the difference in the version of software on the video I watched vs my so ...
Getting error as geckodriver.exe executable needs to be in PATH when running test runner file in robot framework I have downloaded and added geckodri ...
I'm using GitHub Actions to build a Docker container for a Python Lambda function. This same project worked fine when last built a year ago, but it is ...
I have a text file in Portuguese that I created using PHP, which contains sentences with the character "ê" (e with circumflex accent). I'm trying to r ...
I have a Python script (test.py) like the following: try: while True: print("test: {}".format(argv[1])) time.sleep(1) except ...
How can I type hint a dictionary where the key is a specific tuple and the value is known? For example I want to type hint a dict like this: The u ...
I create a program to start and stop a stepper motor by using same button in gui Python 3. The motor is start but unable to stop. I am using Raspberry ...
I made a python script that runs a GDI PATCOPY effect. I wanted to add audio while it works so I used python's winsound module for making beeps and py ...
enter image description here Its stuck here I tried Downloading the pyodide but is still gives error of ...
I have the following heatmap (just a minimum working example, my data is huge!) How can I put the xticks only of those where all the rows>=2? In ...
I want to get the elevation of a segment (linestring) from a GeoJSON file. I'm using this API: Documentation: https://api3.geo.admin.ch/services/ ...
I have few json files in s3, now want to delete some objects from that json file by opening the file for one time and delete those objects at a time a ...
why the code works on local ip but not on public ip? I already tried to set a permanent address but still nothing, only when I gave a local IP address ...
CONTEXT: 1st time asker and long time reader of stack overflow, please let me know of ways if I can improve the question if there are any. I am ...
Using these steps I'm trying to generate the parse tree for Antlr4 Python3.g4 grammar file, to parse python3 code, I've generated my python parser usi ...
Im making a Discord bot using the PyCord library that is effectivly a word of the day/phrase of the day bot for a language server. One of the requests ...
I am looking for the way to click on the button which is located in html this way: I tried few ways to find this with no success. Could you plea ...
Today I was solving Project Euler's problem #43 Problem and I ran into a somewhat interesting problem. I don't understand why is my code so fast? I ...
I am working through a huge list of package names for customers which need to be parsed to find out price information. Sample package names are as fol ...