I've seen a lot of questions at SO asking why not all code is compiled as PIC or why we can't always use -fPIC. However all of the answers lack an ex ...
I've seen a lot of questions at SO asking why not all code is compiled as PIC or why we can't always use -fPIC. However all of the answers lack an ex ...
. Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty. ...
I'm making a go library wrapper on namespaces. There were no problems with the net ns, with ips ns and with uts ns, but there are problems with the ot ...
I want to attach an eBPF sockops program to a specific kubernetes pod. I am using the bpf_prog_attach() helper as follows: And here is the BPF prog ...
I am trying to mount docker into a docker container, it used to work with WSL on Windows, but now that I am on Linux (Ubuntu 22) I am having this erro ...
I want to open this \\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu wsl directory in git bash terminal. My git bash terminal is currently open in /c/Users/DELL directory. I t ...
I'm talking to a server that creates a new zip file daily, ex: (data-1234.zip). Every day the name of the previous zip is removed and a new one is cre ...
Here is my nginx default And I am having login-with-args.html at this /opt/code-server/login-with-args.html location but the curl command in linux ...
Having an issue with one of our Gitlab Servers running in Docker. Ran a build today that broke because of no space left on device. Come to find out th ...
I have an EC2 instance running Linux. This instance is used to run aws s3 commands. I want to sync the last 6 months worth of data from source to tar ...
I am writing an sh script and need to replace the . and - with a _ Current: Wanted: I have used a few mv commands, but I am having trouble. ...
I am working on packets in my linux iptable , so i need to work over them in python. To get the packets in my iptable into python , i decided to use n ...
When we list files in unix using ls -l command the output is a table with space as a separator, for example the following I want to convert to a ta ...
I'm trying to execute delete SQL like below in ksh. In this roop, I can delete row one by one. But what I want to is to delete multiple rows like 5 ...
So, I want to create a game of life simulator on the console. For that, I need to move the cursor up so I can rewrite on it and I can do that with \u0 ...
I am using pyembedded in for a Python program using Ubuntu 22.04. I am trying to get the ID that the RFID reader should provide when it reads a card. ...
I want to connect a PostgreSQL database with a MongoDB by using Mongo_fdw. After following this instruction to install mongo_fdw with the autogen.sh s ...
I would like to color a variable in the "read -p" command. In another topic i found a way to color the text string like this: But if I put a variab ...
Makefile: What I tried to do in the do_the_work is: Step 1: create an empty dir Step 2: clone repository Step 3: get sha1 from repository ...
I want to run the command ps -eo pid,user,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%cpu | head to get the output through a python script. I tried making it with th ...