I'm searching for a way for extracting common values in at least two arrays in the list of arrays in JS. e.g. [["google", "amazon", "reddit"], ["tele ...
I'm searching for a way for extracting common values in at least two arrays in the list of arrays in JS. e.g. [["google", "amazon", "reddit"], ["tele ...
. Answers to this question are eligible for a +500 reputation bounty ...
I have several list of lists (obtained from a for loop). Each one is composed like following: I want only the entire lists that containing the word ...
What I've already done is copied the data from an API into its own JSON file, Courses.json using filewriter and the package com.google.gson. Overall, ...
I have a view that uses a button to toggle between a Picker and an Image that is a result of the Picker selection. When quickly toggling from the imag ...
I am trying to filter products in React based on the category which is stored in NodeJs. The search using input is working as it should, but when I tr ...
I want to read a string that is encoded in CSV format synchronously in Node.js. (I don't want to read a CSV file asynchronously). To illustrate, belo ...
Created an array using: which looks like this: Now want to update any one cell of this 2d array with any value like: It is updating whole col ...
Let's say I have a list of data in the following format: So the data could look like this: 501,20220104 13:12:07.005,25 501,20220104 13:12:07.002, ...
I have two diferent arrays and I need to know if the name from the first array "date" is in the second array "name" I want the program to confirm t ...
my project uses multithreading to work on several tasks simultaneously. I'd like my UI (I'm using Vue.js) to send a list/array of items to my API to w ...
I am currently going through a JS BootCamp and after learning about some built-in functions in JS, I was wondering which one of the following codes is ...
I have a String array in C# like below: Actually there are 3 objects in my array, first column is ID, second is Name and third is Age. So I need to ...
I am trying to solve this LeetCode question - https://leetcode.com/problems/create-target-array-in-the-given-order/description/ where the instructions ...
I have a list of Data I get from dynamic inputs like this ones The list is dynamic and I'm Getting the values by input Name like this I want to ...
followed tons of tutorials and none of it works! pls help it gives me this error tried a bunch of methods, can't get working ...
I refactored a working project to practice creating callable methods when I broke the app. This app includes a simple String array with a method that ...
I'm fetching data from firebase which is structured in collection.subcollection.collection.document format. BREAKDOWN setTimeout is used since ...
I'm trying to execute delete SQL like below in ksh. In this roop, I can delete row one by one. But what I want to is to delete multiple rows like 5 ...
I'm sorry for the terrible title, but somehow I can't explain it better in one sentence. What I want to do is a rating component in my Vue App. So if ...