enter image description here I want the price to recursively take the ID subtract percent from Price recursively using the output of previous line. ...
enter image description here I want the price to recursively take the ID subtract percent from Price recursively using the output of previous line. ...
I need to mock a Cursor for some content provider unit tests, but the addRow method is not working for some strange reason. After adding a row, the co ...
I am currently migrating a PostgreSQL procedure to work in Redshift Spectrum Serverless. I was able to have a working procedure that works as intended ...
I think I do a failure in the tables definition for PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY. The import and creation works fine in a sqlite3 database. No error m ...
I'm trying to JOIN two tables in a DataBricks Notebook. The first line in the SQL statement is erroring-out. I can't determine why. The docs I've rea ...
I am trying to use a Global Temporary Table with CTE in Firebird SQL, but I'm not sure how. Below is sample code of what I am trying to accomplish C ...
I am using ST_Intersects to check if two polygons intersect. Relevant part of my query is: It works well to determine if one polygon crosses the ot ...
. Answers to this question are eligible for a +500 reputation bounty ...
let's say I have a table with a lot of columns and I want to call same function on every of them (for example MAX). Is it possible without listing all ...
The following code is in SQL Server, I want to know how to refactor it so if EDA.GROUP_CARGO='' (If this field is empty, it means if it isn't A neithe ...
I am trying to send file using postman API collection and it work good but after I send file I have error (" ITIDA Signature Invalid Signature • ISFX3 ...
I have three database tables: product product_manufacturer product_manufacturer_warranties. The product table has a one-to-one mapping with ...
I want to use REGEXP_REPLACE with this pattern. but I don't know how to add square bracket in square bracket. I try to put escape character but i did ...
I have a piece of a SQL statement below: For each of the custfieldname that has a number > than 0 put in for Bags or Boxes I would like to count ...
So I have a table with a unique key for every spatial area, and another unique key for every time that was measured, as well as the variable in Questi ...
I have an insert statement where I only need to fill 15 columns out of 70 - and all the other columns can remain NULL. I would like to find a way to w ...
I'm attempting to create a clear linear status for a project. I've been able to take the historical project date details and clear out any unnecessary ...
I have a list of employees and I want to create tables for them. I want to continue creating tables even if one of the table creations fail. I am usin ...
I have a query that is getting a list of dates. I need each value to be within a particular month. My Completed field is a DATETIME data type, so I am ...