I am currently migrating a PostgreSQL procedure to work in Redshift Spectrum Serverless. I was able to have a working procedure that works as intended ...
I am currently migrating a PostgreSQL procedure to work in Redshift Spectrum Serverless. I was able to have a working procedure that works as intended ...
I am getting an error: when loading from a CSV into a column in Redshift. I'm COPYING data from a source (which has zalgo text sometimes) into a CS ...
I am working with a field called codes that is a delimited list of values, separated by commas. Within each item there is a title ending in a colon an ...
I have built this query below in order to get the total vol by each route, sla_min and also the sla_status. The sla_status is calculated with case wh ...
I want to get text before certain part of the string. In fact, it is name of the company in each case which appears at the start of the string (it can ...
redshift_connector is defined to be aligned with https://peps.python.org/pep-0249/#id24 but I can't, after calling procedure, retrieve data into a dat ...
I have a table that has date information and is being copied to another table and trying to perform an incremental load. date = date format hour = int ...
not able to grant 'ALTER USER' privileges to one of exsisting user in redshift cluster. I have tried below statement but got error GRANT ALTER USER ...
I'm working with on an exceptionally large table which due to some data issue, I have to re-insert data on a couple of historical dates. After the ins ...
I would like to subtract two date columns and get the difference in minutes. Based on the table below, we can see that a notification has an ideal_dat ...
Implementing scd2 in dbt using aws redshift. How do I define conditional natural keys? unique_id = ['crm_id', 'curr_recrd_flg', 'actve_flg'] I want ...
I want to copy all the data from one redshift cluster to another new redshift cluster within the same account while making sure all the schemas ,users ...
I have an external table in Redshift. When I use UNLOAD to fill this table, sometimes the S3 folder that contains the data gets deleted randomly (or I ...
I Need your help regarding this case statement that has be stumped. I have a field called "activity_end_date_time". This field is a date/time field i ...
Is it feasible to modify resources like redshift cluster via AWS cloudformation template if the resources were created manually and not by AWS cloudfo ...
I want to connect my redshift database to excel so i can easly analysis and make report in excel but iam not able to can anyone please help me how to ...
I have a table called country that has 2 columns: orderid, country_code. I need to do the following CASE WHEN: However, when I run the code, Regio ...
We have created datashare (environments) in redshift where we are binding 1 table from environment A named tableA to environment B named tableB . We ...
Basically, I am trying to add permissions for AWS redshift. But AWS provides permissions under two headings, that is, redshift and redshift-data. For ...
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