I have a list of employees and I want to create tables for them. I want to continue creating tables even if one of the table creations fail. I am usin ...
I have a list of employees and I want to create tables for them. I want to continue creating tables even if one of the table creations fail. I am usin ...
I am trying to install pre-commit for python2.7 with pip 8.1.2. If i do pip install --user pre-commit or ´python -m pip install --user pre-commit´ it ...
I was running python version 2.7.18, i installed the python3 because that is runtime for the lambda to build with sam build. I keep getting this error ...
I am writing my very first script in Python 2.7. (And this is my very first question/post here and about Python scripting at all) Solved/found out al ...
How do I check sftp client opened earlier via paramiko is still active throughout My application logic at times keeps the sftp connection idle from ...
Hello I have a list in which elemnets are in pair of 3 list given below, in above list elements are coming in pair of 3 i.e. ('', '', '5000') one p ...
I wrote a code in Python on Jupyter Notebook that works with a user input. Then, I saved it in an html file to share it with others but they can't cha ...
I have an algorithm that I want to create. The structure of this algorithm should be as follows. Below is a CSV file defined in the code block. In thi ...
Thank you for any help/guidance that you can provide, I'm really hoping someone can help me with this problem. The script is supposed to go through a ...
When I run an entire folder with some pydev module, I am get a debugger error in Eclipse: How to overcome this? ...
This is the text file we need to extract the particular string from the text file using python or pandas Single quotes are present in that string T ...
I want to make the script save the result to the save.txt file I am running with python2.7 and they are writing an error Traceback (most recent call ...
I have a dictionary in which there are three conditions startwith, contains and endwith given below, If user give value in dictionary with comma th ...
I am new to Twilio services and just started using their api for sms with django. the sms outbound work well and now i want to make sure to grab the v ...
Unable to run python while running service in Intellij. Running python should work on my mac. ...
I'm working on a Django project (version 1.11 - Python 2.7) and I need to create a new endpoint to clear all the methods cached using lru_cache decora ...
I have 30 to 40 SQL queries and I want to use jinja2 template files for storing the queries so that the python code and SQL queries are stored separat ...
I have been trying to write a python script that prints the first 10 lines of the CAN Bus data that is coming from a data pipe. The code works well wh ...
In python in this code snake speed is fast, I want to slow down to normal where I can placed speed() method or any method Turtle module from python ...
I want to include the variable 'b' inside the HTML code. In the above code the different names referred by variable b is not getting outputted. Plea ...