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Eclipse throwing an error while running entire folder

When I run an entire folder with some pydev module, I am get a debugger error in Eclipse:

0.06s - Debugger warning: It seems that frozen modules are being used, which may
0.00s - make the debugger miss breakpoints. Please pass -Xfrozen_modules=off
0.00s - to python to disable frozen modules.
0.00s - Note: Debugging will proceed. Set PYDEVD_DISABLE_FILE_VALIDATION=1 to disable this validation.

How to overcome this?

As the message says, this is a warning.

You can silence it by setting an environment variable:


-- you can do that at the Environment tab in your preferences PyDev > Interpreters > Python Interpreter

Or you can pass -Xfrozen_modules=off in your launch configuration so that you can debug the frozen modules.

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