I am trying to monkey patch a python module to override a method within the class. This is a proxy module for simplification and not the actual code o ...
I am trying to monkey patch a python module to override a method within the class. This is a proxy module for simplification and not the actual code o ...
Please note that i'm a newbie with classes. Here's an idea of what i want (and need to make my code more clean and versatile) Inside my function Star ...
What is the difference between the metaclass Type and the metaclass Class in Java? When should I be using one or the other when programming with refle ...
public class LevelLighting { public static float nightvisionFogIntensity; private static float auroraBorealisCurrentIntensity; } In C# Th ...
I want my class to inherit the BitArray class but I'm running into a problem in the constructors. I have several positional and keyword arguments I wa ...
This is the code I'm trying to run: (Note: The class name "poly" and other class "vrtx" are named as such to approximate the purpose of the problem ...
I'm trying to convert a example code of an eCommerce Application from Java to Python to better understand this principle. Here is the Java code that ...
I am trying to add fucntionality to a general class from a library. I defined a function that takes as input a general class from library, defines a c ...
Let's take this exemple : I can access the class A attribute through method of class B, but I can't use it with attribute of class B, I have an "un ...
Error: TypeError: Fraction.__str__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self' Code: ...
This works, but I'm sure there's a nicer way of doing this, I'm using zod for schema validation on values i have zero control over from the user. I ...
Suppose I want to define a Python class whose instances have several members of similar form: I can instead create all members at once using explic ...
I want to add __add__ and __radd__ to the python base class set. The code can be as simple as What is the pythonic implementation of this and how ...
I'm doing this project where I need to have this specific class structure and find the slope. I need to somehow find the slope using points 1 and 2 (p ...
I have a Player class that stores a list of created instances in all. I would like to do so "P1" in Player instead of "P1" in Player.all But the code ...
I can currently scrape data by polling an HTML file. I can get data at about 10-15 Hz. I am using selenium and bs4. I can also plot the data using mat ...
I want to create a Django Form ChoiceField. The choices will be queried from an external database and should be filtered by a parameter {company_id}. ...
I need help to be more clear how to make my code correctly. Now it's work but I still think the code logic not correct :) I have one class with severa ...
I have made an inner class- in and its constructor. In a function func() I am passing values of battery and time to the constructor as entered by the ...
I am trying to figure out the solution but I can't find it. I need a function that throws an error when maximum call stack is reached and throws an er ...