I have two programs. They are connected via TCP, localhost, and running on the same machine. First is sending a message via send(), and second is rece ...
I have two programs. They are connected via TCP, localhost, and running on the same machine. First is sending a message via send(), and second is rece ...
I have a wxAuiToolBar button which when clicked shows a menu. The menu also has a sub-menu which carries information on recently opened files. The fo ...
In the following code: When I am trying to expand the parameter pack at line 5 using '...', Visual Studio 2022 is throwing the following error: ...
I have a QTabWidget with its tabs on the West, then I tried to add a corner widget to it, but it did not appear. If I set the tabs position to North o ...
Please note that i'm a newbie with classes. Here's an idea of what i want (and need to make my code more clean and versatile) Inside my function Star ...
In this code, I created files with matrix entries with names such as 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt and containing a total of 2 matrices. The program reads the 2 ...
This is the flag that I have to get at the end: ******************* ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ...
I have a problem with openssl crypto library, after doing decryption even after exiting function scope, decrypted string is not removed from memory. M ...
There is an 'erase-remove' idiom in C++ when it comes to removing several elements from containers, and there are discussions about an alternative 're ...
As we know, C++23 support Standard Library Modules. Until May 2023, MSVC support it but we need add Standard Library Modules manually as Microsoft blo ...
If I design like this and they works by invoking like But in my case, template functions(between case 1 and 3) are used to deal with overload on ...
I am experimenting a little bit with inheritance in C++ and I stepped on a case that I don't quite understand. When I try to compile the code I get: ...
I am working on a template function in a class: and I noticed that Data::serialize<Object> is instantiated in every compilation unit. For cla ...
For my game, suppose I have a class called GameTexture, where the default constructor looks like this: get_shader() looks like this: and initial ...
Im trying to write code that records LED's when a button is pressed, stores them into an array, and when that array is 5 long, it stops cycling throug ...
So here's that piece of code, very basic but i just can't find any similar questions that have two variables in the while loop with cin in it. Can' ...
I have a very un-scientific observation about memory overwrites and was curious if anyone else has noticed something similar, knows why, and/or can te ...
This is the piece of code I am getting error in. Yes I have `using namespace std This is giving me error -> "getline is not defined" I tried se ...
This is the code I'm trying to run: (Note: The class name "poly" and other class "vrtx" are named as such to approximate the purpose of the problem ...
I encountered a surprising False Negative in our C++ Static Analysis tool. We use Klocwork (Currently 2021.1), and several colleages reported finding ...