I am creating a native method in Android Studio which is registered using RegisterNatives in JNI_OnLoad when the library is loaded. The problem is tha ...
I am creating a native method in Android Studio which is registered using RegisterNatives in JNI_OnLoad when the library is loaded. The problem is tha ...
I have recently started the migration of our application from Spring Web version 5.x.x to 6.0.6 It progressively took to upgrade of Java 8 to 17 and S ...
We have ehcache-2.10.6.jar jar in our dependecies. It contains com.jackson.databind package that has marked as vulnerable by Trivy. No ehcache version ...
I am using drools in my project. For some reason, drools is expecing the class org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper. This solves if I include sprin ...
I am facing an issue that the unit test cases pass on IntelliJ but fail on mvn test command. I think the problem is about java 17 but I'm not sure. Sr ...
i am getting this NullPointerException Error in Java trying to run my app in android Studio. Below is my JavaFile Here is my activity home layout f ...
I think there must be a better design for something like this. I do not like the nested ifs at all. But I also try to avaid parsing the string for ...
I am encountering an error in the pre-launch report on the Google Play Console during testing. The error message is as follows: This error occurs s ...
I have a persistence.xml that works. But when I try to do something with Batching (Jakarta Batch), it fails with the stacktrace below. And after t ...
I have problem to open direct contact link in android webview Error : " Webpage not available The webpage at 8806288365 could not be loaded because: ...
For example, the source string is "appleappleapplebanana" and pattern I want to delete "appleapple". I want it to delete all "appleapple" even if the ...
Hi I am using this library https://github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart and trying to draw line chart from Endpoint to Start point that is from right to ...
I'm using JGit 6.5.x with Java 17. I have a remote repository that is huge (gigabytes), but I only need temporary access to a single subdirectory (e.g ...
For instance if we have a problem statement to schedule number of rooms to a group of people for a specific time(in minutes) for a given length of day ...
I am new to Spring Boot and want to add auditing support. Most of my inspiration is from https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference ...
I am having a problem with log4j --- I am trying to set the logging level to DEBUG with a log4j.properties file. I know that this partially works beca ...
. Answers to this question are eligible for a +300 reputation bounty ...
I use this code to pinch zoom screen then it works fine. But when i add scrollview in XML then scroll view works fine but pinch zoom screen doesn't wo ...
Hello guys and good day. I have Table "T1" that has primary key "ID" and another Table "T2" that has foreign key "T1ID" reference from the primary key ...
I need to know how to throw an exception explicitly while executing the Mono. I'm not able to subscribe, block Mono because it has end (down-stream) s ...