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How to throw an Error explicitly while processing Mono

I need to know how to throw an exception explicitly while executing the Mono. I'm not able to subscribe, block Mono because it has end (down-stream) subscriber. Just need to validate the data and throw exception explicitly to perform retry.

    public Mono<Response> handleResponse() {
        return userService.getUser()
                .doOnNext(response -> validate(response.getData()))
                .onErrorResume(ex -> {
                    // not working
                    throw Exceptions.propagete(ex);
    private void validate() {
        throw new RuntimeException();
@Retyable(value = {RuntimeException.class})

If no exception, it will return Mono to next level. I can use Mono retry itself but need to know is there any way to solve this.

To produce an error you can use Mono.error(throwable) .

But the another problem in your code that you do the validation in doOnNext , which is not supposed to change the flow. Better to use flatMap .

You can do something like:

            .flatMap(response -> {
               try {
                  return Mono.just(response);
               } catch (Throwable t) {
                  return Mono.error(t);

The simplest way would be the following:

    .map(response -> {
        return response;

If it's possible for you to make changes to the validate method, I would suggest doing it in the following manner:

    .handle((response, sink) -> {
        if (isValid(response)) {
        } else {
            sink.error(new RuntimeException("..."));

// where
public boolean isValid(User user) {

What if you try something like this:

    public Mono<Response> handleResponse() {
            return Mono.fromFuture(userService.getUser()
                    .doOnNext(response -> validate(response.getData()))
                    .handle((response, throwable) -> {
                          if (throwable == null) {
                              return response;
                          } else {
                              throw new RuntimeException();

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