I'm using a string as a MultiBinding.ConverterParameter in a XAML-definition of a WPF-Window. The converter concatenates multiple strings and uses the ...
I'm using a string as a MultiBinding.ConverterParameter in a XAML-definition of a WPF-Window. The converter concatenates multiple strings and uses the ...
I have the following string and object, How to using regex ? My regex , ...
I think there must be a better design for something like this. I do not like the nested ifs at all. But I also try to avaid parsing the string for ...
according to the theory after manupaliting string using String Builder keyword both memory address must be same, but i get wrong answer. could anyone ...
For example, the source string is "appleappleapplebanana" and pattern I want to delete "appleapple". I want it to delete all "appleapple" even if the ...
I have a Delphi 2007 DLL with this export: function TestSignString(s, Sign: PChar): LongBool; stdcall; I am calling it in .NET Core v7 C# using thi ...
I have a calculator and I want it to not start calculation until the expression seems to be correct. Seems to be correct means that it should not cont ...
In Julia, you can't store a string like that: Because there is a backslash. So the following allows you to prevent that: The same occurs for "$, ...
I want to read a string that is encoded in CSV format synchronously in Node.js. (I don't want to read a CSV file asynchronously). To illustrate, belo ...
for i in range(len(tlds)): #print("TLD at index " + str(i) + " is " + tlds[i]) try: print("Cerca sito...") sito = WebDriverWai ...
I have a String array in C# like below: Actually there are 3 objects in my array, first column is ID, second is Name and third is Age. So I need to ...
For my Job I am currently working with the programming language PROGRESS. To format numbers etc. we are using the simple STRING() function. Now the fo ...
I want to define sympy symbols such that when I display them I get a bar on them. I tried the following one: I then try to display it:display(alpha ...
I would like to create a new variable in my new xarray dataset, and use a string to give my variable name. Here is an example: In this example, wh ...
My respects, colleagues. I need to write a function that determines the maximum number of consecutive BA, CA character pairs per line. Actually, I' ...
On the following, the key c has a stringified value: I need to parse this object. I may have multiple keys with stringified object data and some pl ...
I have 2 data frames with 2 columns in each table. Now, I need to match the values of col A from df1 with the col C of df2 and get only the matched va ...
I'm receiving some data which I need to turn them to numbers, make some computation with that and then I need to use the same data in another place bu ...
I'm using API from a website and it needs two strings String one: modelId String two: inferenceId both of them are equal to value My issue is in Ex ...
I have a function declaration that I need to use. Its purpose is to remove various keywords (that should not have been in the string) contained in an ...