I use the following code to add 2 values of an input and then I display it as the result. This works fine, but just outputs a standard number forma ...
I use the following code to add 2 values of an input and then I display it as the result. This works fine, but just outputs a standard number forma ...
For my Job I am currently working with the programming language PROGRESS. To format numbers etc. we are using the simple STRING() function. Now the fo ...
I am having some trouble correctly formatting a string into a viable datetime that I can use in a table (must be in a time/datetime/non-string format ...
I am needing to take a string like 20230131 and turn it into 2023/01/31 then eventually reformat that into DD/MM/YR format. I am reading this from a t ...
I try to implement format for a class. I want to have an argument that defaults to 'short'. I tried: This last call raises the TypeError but I exp ...
I want to do a very specific type of merge (working with taxonomy data from microbe sequencing). For example, if I have two dataframes, each from a di ...
I'm not good with English but hope I can make my question clear. I have a table with tons of rows, all written in the format 00000 (ex.: 000001, 00002 ...
i have a combo list with this format: Name:Age:City The only thing i need is the City. But how do i extract this part with python? ...
I need to add a 0 before all cells in the A column on Google Sheets. Is there a code or formatting function I can add in? I need them to look like A2. ...
Want to know what type of Date format is this : 2022-08-12T01:47:24.856316 , 2022-09-15T08:32:38.490Z And how do i implement the current time to this ...
Total noob question IK I need to remove "mailto:" I only want [holtp@moval.edu] to be returned out put: [mailto:holtp@moval.edu] ...
The string variable is called start_date and is in the form of "SEP22", "JAN23", "MAY22" etc. I want to convert this to a date variable in the form o ...
What is the purpose of triple douple quotes """ in C#? It seems it is used for multiline text. But why not to use single double quotes? E.g.: ...
I want to make a number format with criteria if USD = 4 Digits, IDR = 0 Digits, JPY = 2 Digits using macros in excel because there are a lot of rows ...
I am looking to replace a time stamp from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59. Stata still shows the timestamp as 00:00:00 The storage type is double. It was cre ...
In a VBA macro that I'm writing, I need to increment a number that is stored in a String variable, for example "1", "01", "001", etc. It can also be " ...
I am creating a Tag Policy in AWS. I need to develop a rule to restrict the value of one of the keys to a specific format. I need the end user to ent ...
I am new to MS Access and I would like to generate an autogenerated sequential and unique alphanumeric number of the format SYYMM001, SYYMM002, SYYMM0 ...
How to format Excel cell to force Excel to use it as datetime. Cell contents: 2023-01-24 23:06:55+01 I expect something like: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss but ...
I have an Excel .xlsb sheet with data, some columns have number as output data, other columns should have dates as output. After uploading the data in ...