I have a function declaration that I need to use. Its purpose is to remove various keywords (that should not have been in the string) contained in an ...
I have a function declaration that I need to use. Its purpose is to remove various keywords (that should not have been in the string) contained in an ...
Can namespace functions be declared at block scope outside the namespace they were defined at? This code does not compile when DECLARED_IN_NS is defi ...
Looking at code on examples on StackOverflow I've noticed two distinct prototypes for object deallocation: struct foo *foo_create(int); void foo_free ...
For an assignment, I was given a header file. The objective was to write the function definitions in a C file. I am confused about how to write the d ...
When trying to use a C++ style in C: This gets an error. error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before '&' token i'm most comfortable with c++, but i ...
I have a problem understanding how different ways to create a function are affecting decorators. I am trying to create a decorator that will allow me ...
Here is code: Here is Error: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: hola(): Argument #1 ($hola) must be of type int, string given, called in C:\larag ...
I have two questions about hoisting: The way function declarations are hoisted is that they go to the very top, even above variable declarations, to ...
Can anyone make sense of the difference in behaviour between the two snippets described below? Snippet #1 { function f() {return 1} f ...
I implemented a new feature to our CRM and everything works as it should on Safari (macOS), but it throws Uncaught TypeError: X is not a function on e ...
There is a function like this. I took this error expected identifier or '(' before 'void' How to solve this problem? Thank you. I don't know whethe ...
I am new to c++ and I am not sure how to return this kind of variable Could anyone please tell me how should I return the array? ...
In C when a function is declared like void main(); trying to input an argument to it(as the first and the only argument) doesn't cause a compilation e ...
Hello so I am learning pointers in c programming right now and I made a basic call by reference swap function that doesn't work as seen below. Howe ...
I am trying to run the following code which takes string parameter and returns the length of the string in characters in C language using Visual Studi ...
So I had a Campus recruitment coding test, and came across a question which had to make use of matrices. In the pre-defined code supplied by the quest ...
Can you please help me convert this uint8_t array to a const char* in C? uint8_t array = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, } I am really having ...
What is going on with adress and pointer types. Can we dealocate the momory in the main function. ...
I'm new to solidity My goal is to get this code to work in remix IDE solidity compiler The code is a "for" function that is meant to trigger when de ...
First way to make header file: Second way: The first picture is screenshot I took from here. It contains three files: the Header file, the Source ...