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Is there any way to modify a problem with change in variables in opta planner and run it in parallel with the original one

For instance if we have a problem statement to schedule number of rooms to a group of people for a specific time(in minutes) for a given length of day(in hours).

I'm setting the configuration so as to say that the perfect job would result in 0 hard score. Let's say due to some complications the scheduler could not find a perfect solution with 0 hard score, is it possible for me to run a parallel scheduling job with some change in variables ie increasing the length of the day by 1 hour or reducing the time 1 group can have the room for or increasing the number of rooms.

Is it possible to run parallel scheduling jobs in case the original job cannot provide a solution with 0 hard score?


There is no functionality for this in OptaPlanner or Timefold (yet).

That said, nothing prevents you from making the change to the data set and running the solver again. You can use SolverManager to execute multiple solvers at the same time. It is then up to you how you present the results to the user.

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