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Java unit test run successfully on Intellij but fail on maven

I am facing an issue that the unit test cases pass on IntelliJ but fail on mvn test command. I think the problem is about java 17 but I'm not sure. Src code can be found here

Maven version (with jdk 17):

Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)
Maven home: D:\Apps\maven-3.6.3\bin\..
Java version: 17.0.1, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: D:\Program Files\jdk17\app
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1258
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"



    <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.inject/guice -->
    <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.inject/javax.inject -->
    <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core -->
    <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind -->
    <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jsoup/jsoup -->

    <!-- Test Dependencies -->
    <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.truth/truth -->


Here is the code:

public final class ProfilerImplTest {
    private final FakeClock clock = new FakeClock();
    private final Profiler profiler = new ProfilerImpl(clock, true);
    private final ProfiledInterfaceImpl delegate = new ProfiledInterfaceImpl(clock);

    public void delegateHasNoMethodsAnnotated() {
                () -> profiler.wrap(NonProfiledInterface.class, new NonProfiledInterfaceImpl()),
                "Profiler.wrap() should throw an IllegalArgumentException if the wrapped interface does " +
                        "not contain a @Profiled method.");

    public void testToString() {
        ProfiledInterface proxy = profiler.wrap(ProfiledInterface.class, delegate);

        assertWithMessage("The proxy should delegate toString() calls to the wrapped object.")

    public void testHashCode() {
        ProfiledInterface proxy = profiler.wrap(ProfiledInterface.class, delegate);

        assertWithMessage("The proxy should delegate hashCode() calls to the wrapped object.")

    public void testEquals() {
        ProfiledInterface proxy1 = profiler.wrap(ProfiledInterface.class, delegate);
        ProfiledInterface proxy2 = profiler.wrap(ProfiledInterface.class, delegate);


        assertWithMessage("Each call to Profiler.wrap() should create a new proxy object.")
        assertWithMessage("Two proxies should be equal if their wrapped objects are equal")
        assertWithMessage("Two proxies should be equal if their wrapped objects are equal")

    public void testNonObjectEquals() {
        ProfiledInterface proxy = profiler.wrap(ProfiledInterface.class, delegate);

        assertWithMessage("Incorrect equals() method was called")
                .that(proxy.equals("foo", "bar"))


    public void testBasicProfiling() throws Exception {
        ProfiledInterface proxy = profiler.wrap(ProfiledInterface.class, delegate);

        Instant beforeInvocation = clock.instant();

        assertWithMessage("The intercepted method did not forward the return value correctly")
        Instant afterInvocation = clock.instant();
        assertWithMessage("Expected time to advance from invocation.")

        // Run the method again a few more times to aggregate some data.

        CloseableStringWriter writer = new CloseableStringWriter();
        assertWithMessage("Streams should usually be closed in the same scope where they were created")
        String written = writer.toString();
        assertWithMessage("The profile data was not written or is incorrect")
        assertThat(written).contains("0m 3s 0ms");

    public void testDeclaredExceptionHandling() throws Exception {
        ProfiledInterface proxy = profiler.wrap(ProfiledInterface.class, delegate);

        Instant beforeInvocation = clock.instant();
        Throwable expected = assertThrows(
                () -> proxy.throwSomething(new Throwable("expected exception")),
                "The method interceptor should forward exceptions thrown by the wrapped object");
        assertWithMessage("The proxy threw a different exception than was thrown by the wrapped object")
                .isEqualTo("expected exception");

        Instant afterInvocation = clock.instant();
        assertWithMessage("Expected time to advance from invocation.")

        CloseableStringWriter writer = new CloseableStringWriter();
        assertWithMessage("Streams should usually be closed in the same scope where they were created")
        String written = writer.toString();
        assertWithMessage("Profile data should still be recorded if an exception was thrown.")
        assertThat(written).contains("0m 1s 0ms");

    public void testServiceLoader() throws Exception {
        Field metadataField = ProfilerImpl.class.getDeclaredField("serviceMetadata");
        Profiler trueProfiler = new ProfilerImpl(clock, true);
        Profiler falseProfiler = new ProfilerImpl(clock, false);

        assertEquals(2, ((Map<Class<?>, ServiceMetadata<?>>) metadataField.get(falseProfiler)).size());
        assertEquals(3, ((Map<Class<?>, ServiceMetadata<?>>) metadataField.get(trueProfiler)).size());

     * A test interface that does not have any {@link Profiled} methods.
    private interface NonProfiledInterface {

     * Concrete implementation of {@link NonProfiledInterface}.
    private static final class NonProfiledInterfaceImpl implements NonProfiledInterface {

     * A test interface that has a method annotated with {@link Profiled}.
    private interface ProfiledInterface {
        String profiled();

        void throwSomething(Throwable throwable) throws Throwable;

        boolean equals(String foo, String bar);

     * Concrete implementation of {@link ProfiledInterface}.
    private static final class ProfiledInterfaceImpl implements ProfiledInterface {
        private final FakeClock fakeClock;
        private boolean wasFakeEqualsCalled = false;

        ProfiledInterfaceImpl(FakeClock fakeClock) {
            this.fakeClock = Objects.requireNonNull(fakeClock);

        public String profiled() {
            return "profiled";

        public void throwSomething(Throwable throwable) throws Throwable {
            throw throwable;

        public boolean equals(Object other) {
            // All instances of ProfiledInterface are equal to one another.
            return (other instanceof ProfiledInterface);

        public boolean equals(String foo, String bar) {
            wasFakeEqualsCalled = true;
            return false;

        public boolean wasFakeEqualsCalled() {
            return wasFakeEqualsCalled;

Exception was thrown at the line private final Profiler profiler = new ProfilerImpl(clock, true);and I don't know why. Please check the below code:

 * Concrete implementation of the {@link Profiler}.
final class ProfilerImpl implements Profiler {
    private final Map<Class<?>, ServiceMetadata<?>> serviceMetadata;
    private final Clock clock;
    private final ProfilingState state = new ProfilingState();
    private final ZonedDateTime startTime;

    ProfilerImpl(Clock clock, boolean includeTest) {
        this.clock = Objects.requireNonNull(clock);
        this.startTime = ZonedDateTime.now(clock);
        ServiceLocator<Class<?>> serviceLocator = ServiceLocator.webCrawlerLocator(includeTest);
        serviceMetadata = serviceLocator.parse(serviceLocator.locateService());

    private ServiceMetadata<?> profiledClass(Class<?> klass) {
        for (Class<?> clazz : serviceMetadata.keySet()) {
            if (klass.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
                return serviceMetadata.get(clazz);
        return null;

    public <T> T wrap(Class<T> klass, T delegate) {

        ServiceMetadata<?> profiledClass = profiledClass(klass);
        if (profiledClass == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(klass.getName() + "doesn't have profiled methods.");

        ProfilingMethodInterceptor interceptor = new ProfilingMethodInterceptor(clock, delegate, state, startTime, profiledClass);

        Object proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
                new Class[]{klass},

        return (T) proxy;

    public void writeData(Path path) {

        try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(path, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND)) {
        } catch (IOException ex) {

    public void writeData(Writer writer) throws IOException {
        writer.write("Run at " + RFC_1123_DATE_TIME.format(startTime));

Stack trace:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: target.classes.com.udacity.webcrawler.IgnoredUrls
        at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(BuiltinClassLoader.java:641)
        at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoaders.java:188)
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:520)
        at com.google.common.reflect.ClassPath$ClassInfo.load(ClassPath.java:360)
        ... 88 more

Please help

After the actions in the comments to the question I:

  • added .peek(System.out::println) prior to (line 52) filter(classInfo ->...) in WebCrawlerServiceLocator ,
  • ran mvn test -Dmaven.surefire.debug > mvn-test.out and
  • on line 5617 therein there was target.classes.com.udacity.webcrawler.json.ConfigurationLoader followed by the error mentioned in the question and its comments:
[ERROR] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 8, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.84 s <<< FAILURE! - in com.udacity.webcrawler.profiler.ProfilerImplTest
[ERROR] delegateHasNoMethodsAnnotated  Time elapsed: 0.008 s  <<< ERROR!
    at com.udacity.webcrawler.service.ServiceLocator.webCrawlerLocator(ServiceLocator.java:13)
    at com.udacity.webcrawler.profiler.ProfilerImpl.<init>(ProfilerImpl.java:34)
    at com.udacity.webcrawler.profiler.ProfilerImplTest.<init>(ProfilerImplTest.java:27)

So, apparently ImmutableSet<ClassInfo> com.google.common.reflect.ClassPath.getAllClasses() takes Maven's ${project.basedir} as class path entry. The problem is:

Anyway, ClassPath 's javadoc mentions at the very beginning:

Prefer ClassGraph over ClassPath


Out of curiosity I implemented the usage of ClassGraph :




import static java.lang.System.out;
import io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph;
private static final Class<? extends Annotation> WRAPPED = Wrapped.class;
    public Collection<Class<?>> locateService() {

        try {
            return new HashSet<>( ClassPath.from( ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() ).getAllClasses().stream()
                    .filter( classInfo -> !classInfo.getName().equals( "module-info" ) || !classInfo.getName().equals( "package-info" ) )
                    //.peek( out::println )
                    .map( classInfo -> {
                        try {

                            //if ( classInfo.getName().contains( "com.udacity" ) )
                            //  out.printf( "--> name: %s%n--> cp: %s%n%n",
                            //      classInfo.getName(), System.getProperty( "java.class.path" ) );

                            return classInfo.load();
                        catch ( Error | Exception e ) {
                            out.printf( "--> %s --> return null%n", e );
                            return null;
                    } ) // map(...)
                    //.peek( out::println )
                    .filter( Objects::nonNull )
                    .filter( clazz -> clazz.isAnnotationPresent( WRAPPED ) )
                    .toList() ); // HashSet<>(...)
        catch ( IOException e ) {
            out.printf( "--> %s%n--> return empty list%n", e );
            return Collections.emptyList();

    public Collection<Class<?>> locateService2() {

        try {
            return new HashSet<Class<?>>(
                    new ClassGraph().enableAllInfo().scan().getAllClasses().stream()
                            .filter( classInfo -> !classInfo.getName().equals( "module-info" ) || !classInfo.getName().equals( "package-info" ) )
                            //.peek( out::println )
                            .filter( classInfo -> classInfo.hasAnnotation( WRAPPED ) )
                            .map( classInfo -> {
                                try {

                                    //if ( classInfo.getName().contains( "com.udacity" ) )
                                    //  out.printf( "--> name: %s%n--> cp: %s%n%n",
                                    //      classInfo.getName(), System.getProperty( "java.class.path" ) );

                                    return classInfo.loadClass();
                                catch ( Error | Exception e ) {
                                    out.printf( "--> %s --> return null%n", e );
                                    return null;
                            } ) // map(...
                            //.peek( out::println )
                            .filter( Objects::nonNull )
                            .toList() ); // HashSet<>(...)
        // with IOException compile error: "Unreachable catch block for IOException. This exception is never thrown from the try statement body"
        catch ( /*IO*/ Exception e ) {
            out.printf( "--> %s%n--> return empty list%n", e );
            return Collections.emptyList();

BTW, with the INSTANCE and getInstance() members this class looks like intended to be a Singleton at first sight. But it isn't. Since there's return new WebCrawlerServiceLocator( true ); in getInstance() . That might confuse readers/users of this class (without any Javadoc in addition). I'd complain about that in a code review, about both.


package com.udacity.webcrawler.service;

import static java.lang.System.out;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;

import java.util.Collection;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public final class WebCrawlerServiceLocatorTest {

    private static final int CLASS_COUNT = 3;

    public void locateServiceWithTest_NotEmpty() {

        ServiceLocator<Class<?>> locator = WebCrawlerServiceLocator.getInstance( true );
        Collection<Class<?>> classes = locator.locateService();
        out.printf( "### locateService(): classes collection contains %d classes: %s %n",
                classes.size(), classes.toString() );
        assertFalse( "classes collection is empty", classes.isEmpty() );
        assertEquals( CLASS_COUNT, classes.size() );

    public void locateServiceWithoutTest_NotEmpty() {

        ServiceLocator<Class<?>> locator = WebCrawlerServiceLocator.getInstance( false );
        Collection<Class<?>> classes = locator.locateService();
        out.printf( "### locateService(): classes collection contains %d classes: %s %n",
                classes.size(), classes.toString() );
        assertFalse( "classes collection is empty", classes.isEmpty() );
        assertEquals( CLASS_COUNT, classes.size() );

    public void locateServiceWithTest2_NotEmpty() {

        //ServiceLocator<Class<?>> locator = WebCrawlerServiceLocator.getInstance( true ); // compile error
        // ServiceLocator has no locateService2(), hence using the following for the time being:
        WebCrawlerServiceLocator locator = (WebCrawlerServiceLocator) WebCrawlerServiceLocator.getInstance( true );

        Collection<Class<?>> classes = locator.locateService2();
        out.printf( "### locateService2(): classes collection contains %d classes: %s %n",
                classes.size(), classes.toString() );
        assertFalse( "classes collection is empty", classes.isEmpty() );

    public void locateServiceWithoutTest2_NotEmpty() {

        //ServiceLocator<Class<?>> locator = WebCrawlerServiceLocator.getInstance( false ); // compile error
        // , ServiceLocator has no locateService2(), hence using the following for the time being:
        WebCrawlerServiceLocator locator = (WebCrawlerServiceLocator) WebCrawlerServiceLocator.getInstance( false );

        Collection<Class<?>> classes = locator.locateService2();
        out.printf( "### locateService2(): classes collection contains %d classes: %s %n",
                classes.size(), classes.toString() );
        assertFalse( "classes collection is empty", classes.isEmpty() );


mvn test

[INFO] --- surefire:3.1.2:test (default-test) @ udacity-webcrawler ---
[INFO] Using auto detected provider org.apache.maven.surefire.junitplatform.JUnitPlatformProvider
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Running com.udacity.webcrawler.json.ConfigurationLoaderTest
[INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.191 s -- in com.udacity.webcrawler.json.ConfigurationLoaderTest
[INFO] Running com.udacity.webcrawler.json.CrawlResultWriterTest
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.021 s -- in com.udacity.webcrawler.json.CrawlResultWriterTest
[INFO] Running com.udacity.webcrawler.parser.PageParserImplTest
[ERROR] Tests run: 2, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.093 s <<< FAILURE! -- in com.udacity.webcrawler.parser.PageParserImplTest
[INFO] Running com.udacity.webcrawler.profiler.ProfilerImplTest
[INFO] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.906 s -- in com.udacity.webcrawler.profiler.ProfilerImplTest
[INFO] Running com.udacity.webcrawler.service.WebCrawlerServiceLocatorTest
[INFO] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.724 s -- in com.udacity.webcrawler.service.WebCrawlerServiceLocatorTest
[INFO] Running com.udacity.webcrawler.WordCountsTest
[ERROR] Tests run: 2, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.011 s <<< FAILURE! -- in com.udacity.webcrawler.WordCountsTest
[INFO] Running com.udacity.webcrawler.ParallelWebCrawlerTest
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.067 s -- in com.udacity.webcrawler.ParallelWebCrawlerTest
[INFO] Running com.udacity.webcrawler.SequentialWebCrawlerTest
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.013 s -- in com.udacity.webcrawler.SequentialWebCrawlerTest
[INFO] Running com.udacity.webcrawler.WebCrawlerTest
[ERROR] Tests run: 22, Failures: 14, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.221 s <<< FAILURE! -- in com.udacity.webcrawler.WebCrawlerTest
[ERROR] Tests run: 53, Failures: 18, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

So, the tests run, at least. They "just" fail due to failing assertions.

And, BTW, I'd not introduce an extra /src/test/data dir. I'd use /src/test/resources because that's what it is for – Convention over Configuration. Such you can use AnyTest.class.getClassLoader().getResource("path-relative-to-resources-dir/file.name") in your tests and avoid having to define <testDataDir> in your POM and, more important, to define -DtestDataDir=... as VM argument when running unit tests from within your IDE. And you can use resource filtering (which is string interpolation, in fact), a powerful feature.

If you grant me access on GitHub I can push a branch with all the changes.

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