cost 173 ms
Printing output of command

I'm using gtk-rs to take the value of an input and use it to execute a command with xdotool: I'm getting this compiling error: So I tried this: ...

Execute a random script in a folder

I need to run a random script in a folder. I can use 'ls -1 /home/sepinto/EML-Samples/scripts/regular | sort -R | head -1' to get a random file name b ...

How do I solve this issue?

I tried to install a package in command prompt (actin) from python.but always there is an error. I tried to solve this issue but I could not. The pac ...

2023-01-22 12:59:23   1   27    command  
ssh logon with variables

For work, I often have to log on to several different servers which are generally structured in the following: ssh [username]@[clientName]-[produc ...

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