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How to send push notification via pushwoosh for web(Chrome, Firefox)?

I have successfully integrate pushwoosh for Chrome, Firefox and successfully Subscribed for Chrome, Firefox.

I have followed following link for it: http://docs.pushwoosh.com/docs/web-sdk-20

I have taken the following steps:

  • Removed any references to the old service-worker.js from my site.

  • Included the manifest link in my header (before any other manifest links).

  • Removed my site in firefox notification settings so I will be prompted to allow notifications again.
  • Uploaded pushwoosh-service-worker-light.js and pushwoosh-service-worker-dark.js to my site root.
  • Included the code in my site header as per the sdk 2.0 documentation(adjusting applocationCode variable etc as necessary)
  • Clear the cache in firefox browser and cloudflare, verified new code is in place via "view source".
  • Visit my site on firefox, get prompted to allow notifications and select "always allow notifications".
  • Log into pushwoosh control panel, I show as a new subscriber okay.
  • Send pushwoosh to firefox only to test but the new firefox subscriber gets removed and the notification never delivers.

But when I have tried to sent push notification from pushwoosh ( https://go.pushwoosh.com/applications/xxxxx-xxxxx )

then I have got following error in Push History ( https://go.pushwoosh.com/notifications?field=application&value=xxxxx-xxxxx ) for Chrome and Firefox.

Error for chrome:

"The device token has expired, or the application was unregistered from notifications"

Error for Firefox:

"The pushtoken is not recognized by Mozilla"

and auto unsubscribed form chrome and firefox.

I think I am missing something for integration. How to send push notification via pushwoosh for web(Chrome, Firefox)?

Contact Pushwoosh support ( https://www.pushwoosh.com/contact-us/ ) and describe your issue. Add the link to your site and your Pushwoosh login/username.

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