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[英]Idiomatic Proof by Contradiction in Isabelle?

So far I wrote proofs by contradiction in the following style in Isabelle (using a pattern by Jeremy Siek ): 到目前为止,我在Isabelle的以下风格中使用矛盾来编写证据(使用Jeremy Siek的模式):

lemma "<expression>"
proof -
    assume "¬ <expression>"
    then have False sorry
  then show ?thesis by blast

Is there a way that works without the nested raw proof block { ... } ? 有没有一种方法可以在没有嵌套的原始证据块{ ... }

There is the rule ccontr for classical proofs by contradiction: 通过矛盾有经典证据的规则ccontr

have "<expression>"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ <expression>"
  then show False sorry

It may sometimes help to use by contradiction to prove the last step. 有时可能有助于by contradiction来证明最后一步。

There is also the rule classical (which looks less intuitive): 还有classical规则(看起来不那么直观):

have "<expression>"
proof (rule classical)
  assume "¬ <expression>"
  then show "<expression>" sorry

For further examples using classical , see $ISABELLE_HOME/src/HOL/Isar_Examples/Drinker.thy 有关使用classical更多示例,请参阅$ ISABELLE_HOME / src / HOL / Isar_Examples / Drinker.thy

For better understanding of rule classical it can be printed in structured Isar style like this: 为了更好地理解规则classical它可以打印成结构化的Isar风格,如下所示:

print_statement classical

Output: 输出:

theorem classical:
  obtains "¬ thesis"

Thus the pure evil to intuitionists appears a bit more intuitive: in order to prove some arbitrary thesis, we may assume that its negation holds. 因此,对直觉主义者的纯粹邪恶似乎更直观:为了证明某些任意论点,我们可以假设它的否定成立。

The corresponding canonical proof pattern is this: 相应的规范证明模式是这样的:

  have A
  proof (rule classical)
    assume "¬ ?thesis"
    then show ?thesis sorry

Here ?thesis is the concrete thesis of the above claim of A , which may be an arbitrarily complex statement. 这里的?thesisA的上述主张的具体论点,可能是一个任意复杂的陈述。 This quasi abstraction via the abbreviation ?thesis is typical for idiomatic Isar, to emphasize the structure of reasoning. 这种通过缩写?thesis准抽象是典型的惯用Isar,强调推理的结构。

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