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[英]enthought traits UI, add values dynamically to 'values' trait of CheckListEditor

How can I add 'values' dynamically to the CheckListEditor? 如何将“值”动态添加到CheckListEditor?
But instead of static 'values', I have to get it dynamically from Bclass options attr. 但是,我必须从Bclass选项attr动态获取它,而不是静态“值”。

from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, Str
from enthought.traits.ui.api import View, Item, CheckListEditor

class Bclass:
    options = ['one', 'two']

class Aclass(HasTraits):
    bclass = Instance(Bclass)
    abc = Str
    view = View(
        Item(name='abc', editor=CheckListEditor(values=['one', 'two']) ),

Instead of giving to the CheckListEditor a list of values , you can give it the name of the trait containing the values: 您可以给它一个包含值的特征名称,而不是给CheckListEditor values列表:

from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, Str, List
from traitsui.api import View, Item, CheckListEditor

class Bclass(HasTraits):
    options = List(['one', 'two'])

class Aclass(HasTraits):
    bclass = Instance(Bclass)
    abc = Str

    traits_view = View(
        Item(name='abc', editor=CheckListEditor(name='object.bclass.options')),

b = Bclass()
a = Aclass(bclass=b)

In the example, 'object.bclass.options' means: the traits called options which is an attribute of the trait called bclass in the context object , ie, the namespace of the current object. 在示例中, 'object.bclass.options'含义是:称为options的特征,它是上下文object (即当前对象的名称空间)中称为bclass的特征的属性。 The context is only necessary when using the name of a trait in another class. 仅当在另一个类中使用特征名称时,上下文才是必需的。

Update following poster's comment: 更新以下张贴者的评论:

In a comment, the poster asked what would happen if Bclass is not an HasTraits class, and/or options is a dictionary. 在评论中,发布者询问如果Bclass不是HasTraits类和/或options是字典,将会发生什么。

If Bclass is not a HasTraits class, you won't be able to respond to changes in the dictionary content, so I would do this: 如果Bclass不是HasTraits类,则您将无法响应字典内容中的更改,因此我可以这样做:

from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, Str
from traitsui.api import View, Item, CheckListEditor

class Bclass(object):
    options = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}

class Aclass(HasTraits):
    bclass = Instance(Bclass)
    abc = Str

    def default_traits_view(self):
        options = self.bclass.options.keys()
        view = View(
            Item(name='abc', editor=CheckListEditor(values=options)),
        return view

The default_traits_view method is called to create the TraitsUI view dynamically. 调用default_traits_view方法可动态创建TraitsUI视图。

If Bclass is a HasTraits class, then you can do better: 如果BclassHasTraits类,则可以做得更好:

from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, Str, Property, Dict
from traitsui.api import View, Item, CheckListEditor

class Bclass(HasTraits):
    options = Dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})

class Aclass(HasTraits):
    bclass = Instance(Bclass)
    abc = Str

    options = Property(Str, depends_on='bclass.options')
    def _get_options(self):
        return self.bclass.options.keys()

    traits_view = View(
        Item(name='abc', editor=CheckListEditor(name='options')),

In this case, the view is updated whenever the content of the options dictionary changes. 在这种情况下,只要options字典的内容发生更改,视图就会更新。

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