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[英]bundle install not installing gem of production

When I run bundle install it is not installing gem of production group. 当我运行bundle install它不是在安装生产组的gem。

Some day ago I have run bundle install --without production . 某天前,我已经运行bundle install --without production But Now I want to install gem of production also. 但是现在我也想安装生产宝石。 How can I install gem with production also. 如何在生产中安装gem。

I believe once you run the bundler using --without production it remembers that setting in the config. 我相信,一旦使用-不进行--without production运行捆绑程序,它就会记住配置中的设置。 So you should be able to undo it by changing the config per the bundle config command. 因此,您应该能够通过按bundle config命令更改配置来撤消它。

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