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[英]Run “Bundle Install” w/o Installing a Specific Dependency Gem - Rails

I'm trying to run bundle on a Win machine for an existing app. 我正在尝试在Win计算机上为现有应用程序运行bundle软件。 One of the gems is using HiRedis as a dependency. 其中之一是使用HiRedis作为依赖项。 Since it is impossible to install HiRedis on Win: 由于无法在Win上安装HiRedis:

  • Is there a way to find out which gem is using HiRedis? 有没有办法找出正在使用HiRedis的宝石?
  • Is there a way to run bundle command with --without [hiredis] ? 有没有一种方法可以使用--without [hiredis]运行bundle命令?

You can find the gem which uses the hiredis, from the Gemfile.lock. 您可以从Gemfile.lock中找到使用hireddis的宝石。 Search for hiredis, and check to see under which Gem is that hiredis appearing. 搜索hiredis,然后查看该hiredis出现在哪个宝石下。

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