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[英]Multi-threaded Simulated Annealing

I wrote a multithreaded simulated annealing program but its not running. 我编写了一个多线程模拟退火程序,但未运行。 I am not sure if the code is correct or not. 我不确定代码是否正确。 The code is able to compile but when i run the code it crashes. 该代码能够编译,但是当我运行代码时会崩溃。 Its just a run time error. 它只是一个运行时错误。

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h> 

using namespace std;

typedef vector<double> Layer; //defines a vector type

typedef struct {
   Layer Solution1;
   double temp1;
   double coolingrate1;
   int MCL1;
   int prob1;
//void SA(Layer Solution, double temp, double coolingrate, int MCL, int prob){

double  Rand_NormalDistri(double mean, double stddev) {
 //Random Number from Normal Distribution

    static double n2 = 0.0;
    static int n2_cached = 0;
    if (!n2_cached) {
       // choose a point x,y in the unit circle uniformly at random
     double x, y, r;
     do {
  //  scale two random integers to doubles between -1 and 1
   x = 2.0*rand()/RAND_MAX - 1;
   y = 2.0*rand()/RAND_MAX - 1;

    r = x*x + y*y;
   } while (r == 0.0 || r > 1.0);

       // Apply Box-Muller transform on x, y
        double d = sqrt(-2.0*log(r)/r);
      double n1 = x*d;
      n2 = y*d;

       // scale and translate to get desired mean and standard deviation

      double result = n1*stddev + mean;

        n2_cached = 1;
        return result;
    } else {
        n2_cached = 0;
        return n2*stddev + mean;

double   FitnessFunc(Layer x, int ProbNum)

    int i,j,k;
    double z; 
  double fit = 0;  
  double   sumSCH; 

  // Ellipsoidal function
  for(j=0;j< x.size();j++)

 else if(ProbNum==2){
  // Schwefel's function
  for(j=0; j< x.size(); j++)

      for(i=0; i<j; i++)
    sumSCH += x[i];
      fit += sumSCH * sumSCH;

 else if(ProbNum==3){
  // Rosenbrock's function

  for(j=0; j< x.size()-1; j++)
    fit += 100.0*(x[j]*x[j] - x[j+1])*(x[j]*x[j] - x[j+1]) + (x[j]-1.0)*(x[j]-1.0);
  return fit;

double probl(double energychange, double temp){
    double a;
    a= (-energychange)/temp;
    return double(min(1.0,exp(a)));

int random (int min, int max){
    int n = max - min + 1;
    int remainder = RAND_MAX % n;
    int x;
        x = rand();
    }while (x >= RAND_MAX - remainder);
    return min + x % n;

//void SA(Layer Solution, double temp, double coolingrate, int MCL, int prob){
void SA(void *param){

    t *args = (t*) param;

    Layer Solution = args->Solution1;
    double temp = args->temp1;
    double coolingrate = args->coolingrate1;
    int MCL = args->MCL1;
    int prob = args->prob1;

    double Energy;
    double EnergyNew;
    double EnergyChange;
    Layer SolutionNew(50);

    Energy = FitnessFunc(Solution, prob);

    while (temp > 0.01){

        for ( int i = 0; i < MCL; i++){
            for (int j = 0 ; j < SolutionNew.size(); j++){

                SolutionNew[j] = Rand_NormalDistri(5, 1);
            EnergyNew = FitnessFunc(SolutionNew, prob);
            EnergyChange = EnergyNew - Energy;

            if(EnergyChange <= 0){
                Solution = SolutionNew;
                 Energy = EnergyNew;    
            if(probl(EnergyChange ,temp ) >  random(0,1)){
                Solution = SolutionNew;
                 Energy = EnergyNew;
                cout << temp << "=" << Energy << endl;
        temp = temp * coolingrate;


int main ()

 srand ( time(NULL) ); //seed for getting different numbers each time the prog is run

Layer SearchSpace(50); //declare a vector of 20 dimensions

//for(int a = 0;a < 10; a++){

for (int i = 0 ; i < SearchSpace.size(); i++){

    SearchSpace[i] = Rand_NormalDistri(5, 1);

t *arg1;
arg1 = (t *)malloc(sizeof(t));
arg1->Solution1 = SearchSpace;
arg1->temp1 = 1000;
arg1->coolingrate1 = 0.01;
arg1->MCL1 = 100;
arg1->prob1 = 3;

//cout << "Test " << ""<<endl;
_beginthread( SA, 0, (void*) arg1);
Sleep( 100 );

//SA(SearchSpace, 1000, 0.01, 100, 3);

  return 0;

Please help. 请帮忙。

Thanks Avinesh 谢谢阿维尼什

While I don't know the actual cause for your crashes I'm not really surprised that you end up in trouble. 虽然我不知道您撞车的真正原因,但您最终陷入困境并不感到惊讶。 For instance, those "cached" static variables in Rand_NormalDistri are obviously vulnerable to data races. 例如, Rand_NormalDistri中的那些“缓存”静态变量显然容易受到数据Rand_NormalDistri的攻击。 Why don't you use std::normal_distribution ? 为什么不使用std::normal_distribution It's almost always a good idea to use standard library routines when they're available, and even more so when you need to consider multithreading trickiness. 在标准库例程可用时使用它几乎总是一个好主意,在需要考虑多线程处理的棘手问题时甚至更是如此。

Even worse, you're heavily mixing C and C++. 更糟糕的是,您正在大量混合使用C和C ++。 malloc is something you should virtually never use in C++ code – it doesn't know about RAII, which is one of the few intrinsically safe things you can cling onto in C++. malloc实际上是您绝对不应该在C ++代码中使用的东西–它不了解RAII,它是您可以在C ++中使用的为数不多的本质安全的东西之一。

As leftaroundabout pointed out, you're using malloc in C++ code. 如左左右所指出的那样,您正在C ++代码中使用malloc。 This is the source of your crash. 这是您崩溃的原因。

Malloc will allocate a block of memory, but since it was really designed for C, it doesn't call any C++ constructors. Malloc将分配一块内存,但是由于它实际上是为C设计的,因此它不会调用任何C ++构造函数。 In this case, the vector<double> is never properly constructed. 在这种情况下,永远不会正确构造vector <double>。 When 什么时候

arg1->Solution1 = SearchSpace;

Is called, the member variable "Solution1" has an undefined state and the assignment operator crashes. 被调用时,成员变量“ Solution1”具有未定义的状态,并且赋值运算符崩溃。

Instead of malloc try 代替malloc试试

arg1 = new t;

This will accomplish roughly the same thing but the "new" keyword also calls any necessary constructors to ensure the vector<double> is properly initialized. 这将完成大致相同的操作,但是“ new”关键字还会调用任何必要的构造函数,以确保vector <double>被正确初始化。

This also brings up another minor issue, that this memory you've newed also needs to be deleted somewhere. 这也带来了另一个小问题,即您还需要删除此内存中的新内容。 In this case, since arg1 is passed to another thread, it should probably be cleaned up like 在这种情况下,由于arg1被传递给另一个线程,因此可能应像

delete args;

by your "SA" function after its done with the args variable. 在完成args变量后,通过您的“ SA”功能。

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