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[英]opencv face-detection in java : conception steps

I'm working on face-detection project via webcam using opencv 我正在使用opencv通过网络摄像头进行人脸检测项目
In this approach (viola-jones) to detecting object in images combines four key concepts : 用这种方法(中提琴-琼斯)检测图像中的对象结合了四个关键概念:

1-Simple rectangular features called haar features ( i can find this one in haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml file). 1-简单的矩形特征,称为haar特征(我可以在haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml文件中找到该特征)。

2- An integral Image for raped feature detection. 2-用于强奸特征检测的积分图像。

3- The AdaBoost machine-learning method. 3- AdaBoost机器学习方法。

4-A cascaded classifier to combine many features efficiently. 4-A级联分类器,可有效组合许多功能。

my questions are: 我的问题是:

-does haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml contains the cascaded classifier also with the haar feature? -haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml是否也包含具有haar功能的级联分类器?

-how can i add the integral image and AdaBoost in my project and how to use it??or is it already done automatically?? -如何在我的项目中添加积分图像和AdaBoost以及如何使用它?或者它已经自动完成了?

it seems, you've read a lot of papers and pondered ideas, but have not found the opencv implementation ;) 看来,您已经阅读了许多论文和思考过的想法,但是还没有找到opencv实现 ;)

using it is actually quite easy: 使用它实际上很容易:

// setup a  cascade classifier:
CascadeClassifier cascade;

// load a pretrained cascadefile(and PLEASE CHECK!):
bool ok = cascade.load("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml");
if ( ! ok ) 

// later, search for stuff in your img:
Mat gray; // uchar grayscale!
vector<Rect> faces; // the result vec

cascade.detectMultiScale( gray, faces, 1.1, 3, 
    cv::Size(20, 20) );

for ( size_t i=0; i<faces.size(); i++ )
// gray( faces[i] ); is the img portion that contains the detected object

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