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[英]Why is Equals not working as expected

After reading about 40-50 questions and answers (I have tried lots of things) that where all just slightly off the answer I still can't get my head around how this does not work: 在阅读了大约40-50个问题和答案(我已经尝试了很多事情)之后,尽管所有答案都略有偏离,但我仍然无法理解这是怎么回事:

IEnumerable<string> textSegs = from cd in cds 
      where cd.Artist.Equals("Dream Theater") 
      select cd.Artist;

foreach(string s in textSegs)
   Console.Write("\nTrack: " + s);

//This outputs:  'Track: Dream Theater'

Now as for the other part: 现在,关于另一部分:

IEnumerable<string> textSegs = from seg in myXMLDoc.Descendants("name")
   where ((string)seg).Equals("Dream Theater") 
   select (string)seg;
//This puts: exactly what I need

Then I figured this would do the magic trick: 然后我想这将达到神奇的效果:

IEnumerable<string> textSegs = from seg in myXMLDoc.Descendants("name")
     where ((string)seg).Equals(from cd in cds 
                                where cd.Artist.Equals("Dream Theater") 
                                select cd.Artist)
     select (string)seg;

//This outputs: Everything that is inside the XMLDoc (no filter applied)

As for the format this code is in. I am afraid it has to be like this (assignment). 至于该代码所采用的格式。恐怕它必须像这样(赋值)。 I tried casting the sub query to a string but it tells me: 我尝试将子查询转换为字符串,但它告诉我:

Cannot convert type 'IEnumerable<string>' to 'string'

Any help is appreciated! 任何帮助表示赞赏!

It sounds to me like you're trying to do this: 听起来像你正试图这样做:

IEnumerable<string> textSegs = 
     from seg in myXMLDoc.Descendants("name")
     where ((string)seg).Equals(
         (from cd in cds 
          where cd.Artist.Equals("Dream Theater") 
          select cd.Artist).First())
     select (string)seg;

Or this, which is a bit easier to read: 或者这个,这更容易阅读:

IEnumerable<string> textSegs = 
     from seg in myXMLDoc.Descendants("name")
     let artist = 
         (from cd in cds 
          where cd.Artist.Equals("Dream Theater") 
          select cd.Artist).First()
     where ((string)seg).Equals(artist)
     select (string)seg;

You essentially need to ask if one set of data contains another subset of data: 您本质上需要询问一组数据是否包含另一组数据:

var artistQuery = from cd in cds 
                  where cd.Artist.Equals("Dream Theater") 
                  select cd.Artist;

IEnumerable<string> textSegs = from seg in myXMLDoc.Descendants("name")
                               where artistQuery.Contains((string) seg)
                               select (string)seg;

I've broken out each query above to show the steps. 我已经分解了上面的每个查询以显示步骤。 You could also write it as one statement: 你也可以把它写成一个声明:

IEnumerable<string> textSegs = from seg in myXMLDoc.Descendants("name")
                               where (from cd in cds 
                                      where cd.Artist.Equals("Dream Theater") 
                                      select cd.Artist).Contains((string) seg)
                               select (string)seg;

Try a join, I can't think of a cleaner method to do it: 尝试加入,我想不出更干净的方法:

from seg in myXMLDoc.Descendants("name")
join cd in cds
    on (string)seg equals cd.Artist 
where cd.Artist.Equals("Dream Theater")
select (string)seg;

Haven't compiled, so it might have an error or two, but it's somewhere along these lines for sure :) 还没有编译,所以可能有一个或两个错误,但可以肯定地在这些地方:)

Equals右侧的“from cd”将返回符合条件的所有结果,而不仅仅是一个。

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