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使用C#和SQL Server中的数据的XML文件

[英]XML file using C# and data from SQL Server

Can we create an XML file using C# and data from SQL Server. 我们能否使用C#和SQL Server中的数据创建XML文件。

The data in the XML File should look something like, "The temp on 10/10/2012 at 10:10:10 AM is 76 degrees Fahrenheit" XML文件中的数据应类似于“ 10:10:10 AM10/10/201210:10:10 AM的温度为华氏76度”

The date, time and temperature are taken from SQL Server database. 日期,时间和温度均取自SQL Server数据库。 The Query is: Select Date,Time,IndoorTemp from ThermData 查询是: Select Date,Time,IndoorTemp from ThermData

Do pls help me in getting the code for the above XML File. 请帮助我获取上述XML文件的代码。 I have absolute no idea on how to work in C#. 我对如何在C#中工作一无所知。


    XmlDocument XD = new XmlDocument();
    XmlNode Root = XD.AppendChild(XD.CreateElement("Root"));
    XmlNode Child = Root.AppendChild(XD.CreateElement("Child"));
    XmlAttribute ChildAtt = Child.Attributes.Append(XD.CreateAttribute("Attribute"));
    ChildAtt.InnerText = "My innertext";
    Child.InnerText = "Node Innertext";

do something like this. 做这样的事情。

You could use an XmlWriter to perform the necessary action and use an XmlReader to reference this against an XSD. 您可以使用XmlWriter执行必要的操作,并使用XmlReader针对XSD进行引用。

using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(FilePath + FileName))

                        foreach (DataRow currentRow in dt.Rows)
                            writer.WriteElementString("", Convert.ToString(currentRow[""]));
                            writer.WriteElementString("", Convert.ToString(currentRow[""]));
                            //writer.WriteElementString("", "");
                            writer.WriteElementString("", "");




            System.IO.FileInfo f = new System.IO.FileInfo(FilePath + FileName);
            string destinationFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePath + f.Name) + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyy_HHmmss") + ".xml";
            f.CopyTo (FilePath + destinationFileName);

            XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
            settings.Schemas.Add(null, FilePath + XSDFile); 
            settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema; 
            XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
            document.Load(FilePath + FileName);
            XmlReader rdr = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(document.InnerXml), settings);

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