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[英]creating a cache of byte arrays

In my code, which often runs on servers I do not control the configuration of, I have collection of users and each user has a byte[] array. 在我的代码中,它通常在服务器上运行,我不控制配置,我有用户集合,每个用户都有一个byte[]数组。

Sometimes these byte[] arrays are unique to the user. 有时这些byte[]数组对用户来说是唯一的。 Often, though, there will be large numbers users with the exact same byte[] array. 但是,通常会有大量用户使用完全相同的byte[]数组。

I am trying to reduce the RAM consumption of my server. 我试图减少我的服务器的RAM消耗。

I've tried turning my byte[] arrays into strings and interning them, but then I often run into PERM-GEN out-of-memory errors. 我已经尝试将我的byte[]数组转换为字符串并实习它们,但后来我经常遇到PERM-GEN内存不足错误。 I also see a significant performance degradation with the encoding/decoding when I want to access the byte[] array for a user, and I see much increased worse-case memory usage - presuambly strings are much larger than arrays. 当我想为用户访问byte[]数组时,我也发现编码/解码会导致显着的性能下降,而且我看到更糟糕的内存使用情况 - 预备字符串比数组大得多。

How can I have a Set<SoftReference<byte[]>> lookup when Java arrays are not hashable and SoftReferences do not wrap the hash of the object the point at either. 当Java数组不可清除时,如何使用Set<SoftReference<byte[]>>查找,而SoftReferences不会将对象的哈希值包装在任何一个点上。 A Map<byte[],SoftReference<byte[]>> is obviously also defeating itself because the key is itself and prevents collection; Map<byte[],SoftReference<byte[]>>显然也会使自己失败,因为密钥本身并阻止了收集; and Set is internally implemented in terms of Map anyway. Set来讲是内部实现Map反正。

So how can I intern byte[] arrays? 那我怎么能实习 byte[]数组呢?

If you effectively have many identical arrays, use an HashSet<ByteBuffer> as a cache. 如果您有效地拥有许多相同的数组,请使用HashSet<ByteBuffer>作为缓存。 You can get the ByteBuffer array with method array() and the ByteBuffer class has hashCode and equals methods. 您可以使用方法array()获取ByteBuffer数组,并且ByteBuffer类具有hashCodeequals方法。 Of course it is better if your arrays are immutable. 当然,如果你的数组是不可变的,那就更好了。

EDIT2 The comment from @Will is exact, to be able to get back the array, use a WeakHashMap<ByteBuffer,WeakReference<ByteBuffer>> and do something like that : EDIT2来自@Will的评论是准确的,为了能够取回数组,使用WeakHashMap<ByteBuffer,WeakReference<ByteBuffer>>并执行类似的操作:

public byte[] internalize(byte[] bytes) {
 ByteBuffer wrapped = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
 if(cache.containsKey(wrapped)) {
  wrapped = cache.get(wrapped).get();
 else {
  cache.put(wrapped, new WeakReference<ByteBuffer>(wrapped);
 return wrapped.array();

I've tried turning my byte[] arrays into strings and interning them, but then I often run into PERM-GEN out-of-memory errors. 我已经尝试将我的byte []数组转换为字符串并实习它们,但后来我经常遇到PERM-GEN内存不足错误。

I agree that you need something like String.intern() , but the standard implementation is native , so not much joy. 我同意你需要像String.intern()这样的东西,但是标准的实现是native ,所以没有多少快乐。

You could have a Map<Integer,Collection<SoftReference<byte[]>>> , using the hash code of the byte arrays as the Map key. 你可以使用Map<Integer,Collection<SoftReference<byte[]>>> ,使用字节数组的哈希码作为Map键。 Your intern method could then look up the set of existing byte arrays with the same has code as the given byte arrays. 然后,您的intern方法可以使用与给定字节数组相同的代码查找现有字节数组。 With a good hash code that should give a small set of arrays to examine for a match. 使用一个好的哈希代码,它应该提供一小组数组来检查匹配。

Edit: To clarify: 编辑:澄清:

Something like this: 像这样的东西:

 class ByteArrayCache
      private final Map<Integer,Collection<SoftReference<byte[]>> map = new ...;

      public final byte[] intern(byte[] byteArray)
           final int hash = Arrays.hashCode(byteArray);
           final Collection<SoftReference<byte[]>> arrays = map.get(hash);
           if (arrays != null) {
              // Search through arrays for a match, and return the match.
              // If no match found, add byteArray to the collection and return it
           } else {
              // create a new map entry, add byteArray to it, and return byte array

I would implement a cache based on Guava weak values map. 我会基于Guava弱值映射实现缓存。 It guarantees that if theres no more strong references to byte array the entry will be automatically removed. 它保证如果没有对字节数组的更强引用,则会自动删除该条目。

class Cache {
    private final ConcurrentMap<Key, byte[]> map = new MapMaker().weakValues().makeMap();

    private static class Key {
        byte[] a;
        int hash;

        Key(byte[] a) {
            this.a = a;
            hash = Arrays.hashCode(a);

        public int hashCode() {
            return hash;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof Key) {
                return Arrays.equals(a, ((Key) obj).a);
            return false;

    public byte[] intern(byte[] a) {
        byte[] a1 = map.putIfAbsent(new Key(a), a);
        if (a1 != null) {
            return a1; 
        return a;

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