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[英]GDI-Handle Leak

I got a problem with GDI-Handle´s. 我遇到了GDI-Handle的问题。 I understand that windows limit´s the amount of GDI-Handles per application at 10.000. 我知道Windows限制每个应用程序的GDI句柄数量为10.000。 Then the application crashes. 然后应用程序崩溃。

On my own system and several virtual machines the amount of GDI-Handles stays between 300 and 500... no matter what I do. 在我自己的系统和几个虚拟机上,无论执行什么操作,GDI句柄的数量都保持在300到500之间。 On a customer project it is getting higher and higher till it reaches 10.000 after some days. 在客户项目上,它越来越高,直到几天后达到10.000。

13.06.2013: 12:47 GDI-Handles 1550

13.06.2013: 12:59 GDI-Handles 1553

13.06.2013: 13:07 GDI-Handles 1557

13.06.2013: 13:55 GDI-Handles 1564

13.06.2013: 15:29 GDI-Handles 2193

13.06.2013: 16:47 GDI-Handles 2201

13.06.2013: 17:14 GDI-Handles 2201

13.06.2013: 17:21 GDI-Handles 2201

13.06.2013: 17:29 GDI-Handles 2263

Why is the behavior on another pc with the exactly same .NET application so different? 为什么在具有完全相同的.NET应用程序的另一台PC上的行为如此不同? Any idea how i can debug it without visual studio installed on the system? 不知道我如何在不安装Visual Studio的情况下调试它吗?

I solved the problem. 我解决了问题。 On the system I got the bug I ran the tool "GDIView". 在系统上,我得到了运行工具“ GDIView”的错误。 With this tool I was able to determine that the problem-causing object is a Bitmap. 使用此工具,我能够确定导致问题的对象是位图。 I found the Bitmap causing the trouble and fount out that I have to dispose IntPtr manually (no help from the GC there). 我发现位图引起了麻烦,并发现必须手动处理IntPtr(那里的GC没有帮助)。

            ImageSource wpfBitmap = null;

            if (this.buttonImage != null)

                IntPtr hBitmap = this.buttonImage.GetHbitmap();

                wpfBitmap = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(
                   hBitmap, IntPtr.Zero, Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions());


            return wpfBitmap;

So I just added the "DeleteObject()" method and the leak was gone. 因此,我只添加了“ DeleteObject()”方法,泄漏就消失了。

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