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[英]Modify headers of proxied request

I'm IP restricting a pure client-side CORs demo application which interacts with an authenticated third-party API. 我限制了与经过身份验证的第三方API交互的纯客户端CORs演示应用程序的IP。 I've got a "middleware" server running which I use to proxy requests from the CORs app to the third-party API, but I am having trouble injecting Basic Authentication credentials into those proxied requests. 我正在运行“中间件”服务器,该服务器用于将CORs应用程序的请求代理到第三方API,但是我无法将基本身份验证凭据注入到这些代理请求中。

isAllowed = (req, res, next) -> # Do IP check here.

base64Encode = (unencoded) -> new Buffer(unencoded or '').toString 'base64'

app.all "/demoproxy/*", isAllowed, (req, res) ->

  req.url = "/" + req.url.split("/").slice(2).join("/")

  userPass = base64Encode "#{process.env.DEMO_USERNAME}:#{process.env.DEMO_PASSWORD}"

   # This doesn't work.
   # res.setHeader 'Authorization',  "Basic #{userPass}"

   # This doesn't work either.
   ###res.oldWriteHead = res.writeHead

   res.writeHead = (statusCode, headers) ->

     headers = { }
     headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{userPass}"
     res.oldWriteHead statusCode, headers###

    proxy = new httpProxy.HttpProxy
        host: 'remote-api.com'
        port: 80

    proxy.proxyRequest req, res

What is the proper way to do this? 正确的方法是什么?

I think you want to set the authorization header on the request (req) object in this case, not the response (res). 我认为您想在这种情况下在请求(req)对象上设置授权标头,而不是在响应(res)上设置。 If remote-api.com is what needs to be authenticated against then it needs to know that with the request you send to it. 如果需要对remote-api.com进行身份验证,则它需要通过发送给它的请求来知道这一点。 Maybe try the following before making the proxy.proxyRequest request 在发出proxy.proxyRequest请求之前,请尝试以下proxy.proxyRequest

req.headers["authorization"] = "Basic #{userPass}"

With the req object there isn't a setHeader function, the headers property is just a javascript object/map. 对于req对象,没有setHeader函数,headers属性只是一个javascript对象/映射。 Hope that helps out... 希望能帮上忙...

Here is some code that works for me, as an example: 这是一些对我有用的代码,例如:

# Demo server requiring basic authentication
servAuth = require("http").createServer (req, res) ->
  if auth = req.headers?.authorization
    res.statusCode = 200
    res.end "Good job, you sent '#{auth}'"
    res.statusCode = 401
    res.end "How about you authenticate first?"

# Proxy server which checks the IP address and then proxies the request
servProxy = require("http-proxy").createServer (req, res, proxy) ->
  checkIP req, (err, isOK) ->
    # something wrong happened even with the IP address checking
    if err
      res.statusCode = 500
      res.end "Sorry, everything got fargled", "ascii"
    # IP address not allowed
    else if not isOK
      res.statusCode = 403
      res.end "You ain't from around here, are you?", "ascii"
    # all good, proxy the request with basic auth added
      userPass = new Buffer("#{process.env.USERNAME}:#{process.env.PASSWORD}", "ascii")
      userPass = userPass.toString("base64")
      req.headers.authorization = "Basic #{userPass}"
      proxy.proxyRequest req, res, {
        host: "localhost"
        port: 8090

# asynchronous IP address checking
checkIP = (req, done) ->
  # TODO: implement whatever custom IP checking
  # this example just says everything is OK
  done( null, true )

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