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[英]node.js proxied request body

I am having a simple problem getting the response body of a double proxied request using node.js and node-http-proxy . 我有一个简单的问题,使用node.jsnode-http-proxy获取双重代理请求的响应主体。

What I am basically trying to do, is to set the IP and port of my server in Chrome as a proxy (which works), which will then proxy the request to an other server. 我基本上想做的是在Chrome中将服务器的IP和端口设置为代理(有效),然后将请求代理到另一台服务器。

Here is how I do it : 这是我的方法:

var ip = {'xx.xx.xx.xx', 8080};

var proxy = new httpProxy.HttpProxy({ 
    target: {
        port : ip[0], host : ip[1]

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
    proxy.proxyRequest(req, res);
    proxy.on('data', function() { console.log(data);});

Unfortunately, none of the "on data" events are working for me here... The "end" events are, but I never managed to get the bodies. 不幸的是,这里没有任何“关于数据”事件对我有用……“结束”事件对我来说没什么用,但是我从未设法弄清尸体。 Does anyone know how to achieve this ? 有谁知道如何实现这一目标? I need to save the body of each requests to a specific file. 我需要将每个请求的正文保存到特定文件中。

Yes... this is off the top of my head. 是的...这不在我的头上。 Note, that I'm proxying to port 80 since most websites serve on port 80. Change the code for your specific use case. 请注意,由于大多数网站都在端口80上提供服务,因此我代理了端口80。请为您的特定用例更改代码。 This is in CoffeeScript. 这在CoffeeScript中。

Log Request Headers: 日志请求标头:

fs = require('fs')
httpProxy = require('http-proxy')

fsw = fs.createWriteStream('myfile.txt', flags: 'a', mode: 0666, encoding: 'utf8')
server = httpProxy.createServer  (req, res, proxy) ->
           req.connection.pipe(fsw) #runs in parallel with the proxy... don't you love Node.js?
           proxy.proxyRequest(req, res, {
             host: require('url').parse(req.url).hostname,
             port: 80

JS Translation JS翻译

Put 'localhost' and port 8080 for your browser proxy. 在浏览器代理中输入“ localhost”和端口8080。 Does this work for you? 这对您有用吗?

Log Request Body: 日志请求正文:

fs = require('fs')
httpProxy = require('http-proxy')

server = httpProxy.createServer  (req, res, proxy) ->
           body = ''
           req.on 'data', (chunk) ->
             body += chunk

           req.on 'end', ->
             fs.writeFile('mybody.txt', body, 'utf8')

           proxy.proxyRequest(req, res, {
             host: require('url').parse(req.url).hostname,
             port: 80

I tested this and can confirm that it logs the body of a POST/PUT. 我对此进行了测试,并可以确认它记录了POST / PUT的正文。

Log Response Body: 日志响应正文:

fsw = fs.createWriteStream('myfile.txt', flags: 'a', mode: 0666, encoding: 'utf8')
server = httpProxy.createServer  (req, res, proxy) ->
  oldwrite = res.write
  res.write = (data, encoding, fd) ->
    res.write = oldwrite
    res.write(data, encoding, fd)
    res.write = oldwrite #<--- patch again before we leave the method

  proxy.proxyRequest(req, res, {
    host: require('url').parse(req.url).hostname,
    port: 80


Might not be the cleanest way, but I can confirm that it works. 可能不是最干净的方法,但我可以确认它是否有效。

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