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C ++将数组传递给函数

[英]C++ Passing array into function

I'm relatively new to C++ and am having a tough time passing my array into a separate function. 我对C ++比较陌生,并且很难将我的数组传递给一个单独的函数。 Apologies for re-asking a question that has no doubt been answered a dozen times before, but I couldn't find any questions similar to the problem I have with my code. 抱怨重新问一个毫无疑问已被回答十几次的问题,但我找不到任何与我的代码问题类似的问题。

int main()
    Array<int> intarray(10);
    int grow_size = 0;

    intarray[0] = 42;
    intarray[1] = 12;
    intarray[9] = 88;

    intarray.Insert(10, 6);


    int i = intarray[0];

    for (i=0;i<intarray.Size();i++) 


void addToArray(Array<int> intarray)
    int newValue;
    int newIndex;

    cout<<"What do you want to add to the array?"<<endl;
    cin >> newValue;
    cout<<"At what point should this value be added?"<<endl;
    cin >> newIndex;

    intarray.Insert(newValue, newIndex);

You are passing a copy of the array, so any changes will not affect the original. 您正在传递数组的副本 ,因此任何更改都不会影响原始数据。 Pass by reference instead: 通过引用代替:

void addToArray(Array<int> &intarray)
//                         ^

This is a special case of a more general question on parameters passing . 这是关于参数传递的更一般问题的特例。

You may want to consider the following guidelines: 您可能需要考虑以下准则:

  1. If you want to pass something to a function to modify it inside the function (and make the changes visible to the caller), pass by reference ( & ). 如果要将某些内容传递给函数以在函数内部对其进行修改 (并使更改对调用者可见),请按引用传递& )。

    eg 例如

     // 'a' and 'b' are modified inside function's body, // and the modifications should be visible to the caller. // // ---> Pass 'a' and 'b' by reference (&) // void Swap(int& a, int& b) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } 
  2. If you want to pass something that is cheap to copy (eg an int , a double , etc.) to a function to observe it inside the function, you can simply pass by value . 如果你想传递一些便宜的东西(例如一个int ,一个double等)到一个函数来在函数内部观察它,你可以简单地传递值

    eg 例如

     // 'side' is an input parameter, "observed" by the function. // Moreover, it's cheap to copy, so pass by value. // inline double AreaOfSquare(double side) { return side*side; } 
  3. If you want to pass something that is not cheap to copy (eg a std::string , std::vector , etc.) to a function to observe it inside the function (without modifying it), you can pass by const reference ( const & ). 如果你想传递一些不便宜的东西(例如std::stringstd::vector等)到一个函数来观察函数内部(不修改它),你可以传递const引用const & )。

    eg 例如

     // 'data' is an input parameter, "observed" by the function. // It is in general not cheap to copy (the vector can store // hundreds or thousands of values), so pass by const reference. // double AverageOfValues(const std::vector<double> & data) { if (data.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("Data vector is empty."); double sum = data[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < data.size(); ++i) sum += data[i]; return sum / data.size(); } 
  4. In modern C++11/14 there is also an additional rule (related to move semantics ): if you want to pass something that is cheap to move and make a local copy of it, then pass by value and std::move from the value . 在现代C ++ 11/14中还有一个额外的规则(与移动语义相关):如果你想传递一些便宜的东西来移动并制作它的本地副本 ,那么传递值和std::move从价值

    eg 例如

     // 'std::vector' is cheap to move, and the function needs a local copy of it. // So: pass by value, and std::move from the value. // std::vector<double> Negate(std::vector<double> v) { std::vector<double> result( std::move(v) ); for (auto & x : result) x *= -1; return result; } 

Since in your addToArray() function you modify the Array<int> argument, and you want modifications visible to the caller , you can apply rule #1, and pass by reference ( & ): 因为在你的addToArray()函数中你修改了Array<int>参数,并且你想要对调用者可见的修改 ,你可以应用规则#1,并通过引用传递& ):

void addToArray(Array<int> & intarray)

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