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[英]Find exact text inside Listview subitems?

In my application I want to add a item of 3 subitems in a listview 在我的应用程序中,我想在列表视图中添加3个子项

first subitem is : the index number of the item 第一个子项目是:该项目的索引号

second subitem is : A description for the item 第二个子项目是:该项目的说明

last subitem is : A directory path 最后一个子项是:目录路径

Example: 例: 在此处输入图片说明

Just before adding a new item I try to search if the listview already contains the third subitem (the directory path) with a function I've made: 在添加新项目之前,我尝试搜索列表视图是否已经包含具有我已创建的功能的第三个子项目(目录路径):

' Find ListView Text
Private Function Find_ListView_Text(ByVal ListView As ListView, ByVal Text As String) As Boolean
    Try : Return Convert.ToBoolean(ListView.FindItemWithText(Text)) : Catch : Return True : End Try
End Function

...Now, the problem is for example if I first add in the listview a Item wich contains the directory "C:\\electro" as the third subitem like seen in the image, then later I can't add a new item with a "C:\\" directory because my function is not searching for a full text, my function founds "C:\\Electro" when I search for "C:\\", it searchs for a piece of text and I need the otherwise. ...现在,问题是,例如,如果我首先在列表视图中添加一个包含目录“ C:\\ electro”的项目作为图像中的第三个子项目,那么以后我将无法添加带有“ C:\\”目录,因为我的函数未在搜索全文,当我搜索“ C:\\”时,我的函数会找到“ C:\\ Electro”,它会搜索一段文本,否则我需要。

Then I need to improve the function to search inside a listview for a full text, not for a piece of text. 然后,我需要改进在列表视图内搜索全文而不是文本的功能。

Last example: 最后一个例子:

If I have an item in the listview with the string "C:\\Electro" and I search if exist "C:\\" in the listviews items, the desired result is "FALSE" (Not exists the directory C:\\, is C:\\Electro) 如果我在列表视图中有一个字符串为“ C:\\ Electro”的项目,并且搜索列表视图中的项目是否存在“ C:\\”,则所需结果为“ FALSE”(目录C:\\不存在,为C :\\电)


A code example extracted from the class, if you want to see what I mean... 如果您想了解我的意思,请从该类中提取一个代码示例...

Private Sub TextBoxes_Sendto_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles TextBox_Sendto_Directory.TextChanged, _

    If TextBox_Sendto_Description.TextLength <> 0 _
    AndAlso TextBox_Sendto_Directory.TextLength <> 0 Then

        If Not Find_ListView_Text(ListView_Sendto, TextBox_Sendto_Directory.Text) Then
            Label_Sendto_Status.Text = "Directory ready to add"
            Label_Sendto_Status.ForeColor = Color.YellowGreen
            Button_Sendto_Add.Enabled = True
            Label_Sendto_Status.Text = "Directory already added"
            Label_Sendto_Status.ForeColor = Color.Red
            Button_Sendto_Add.Enabled = False
        End If

        Button_Sendto_Add.Enabled = False
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Button_Sendto_Add_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button_Sendto_Add.Click

    Dim item = ListView_Sendto.AddItem(ListView_Sendto.Items.Count + 1)

End Sub

' Find ListView Text
Private Function Find_ListView_Text(ByVal ListView As ListView, ByVal Text As String) As Boolean
    Try : Return Convert.ToBoolean(ListView.FindItemWithText(Text)) : Catch : Return True : End Try
End Function

This is not a proper answer but one trick you can try : 这不是一个正确的答案,但是您可以尝试以下一种技巧:

just add one more column(hidden) 只需再添加一列(隐藏)
and write in that "^" + Directory Path + "^" and then search for ^C:\\^ , it will only find C:\\ not C:\\Electro 并输入"^" + Directory Path + "^" ,然后搜索^C:\\^ ,它将只找到C:\\而不是C:\\Electro

Here's a simple little function that takes the ListViewItemcollection, the zero-based column index and a search string and returns whether the search string exists in any subitem in that column: 这是一个简单的小函数,它接受ListViewItemcollection,从零开始的列索引和搜索字符串,并返回该字符串中任何子项目中是否存在搜索字符串:

Private Function FindItem(ItemList As ListView.ListViewItemCollection, ColumnIndex As Integer, SearchString As String) As Boolean
    For Each Item As ListViewItem In ItemList
        If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text = SearchString Then
            Return True
        End If
    Return False
End Function

You would call it like this: 您可以这样称呼它:

If Not FindItem(ListView_Sendto, 2, TextBox_Sendto_Directory.Text) Then

The comparison is case insensitive. 比较不区分大小写。 If you want case sensitivity you could use the CompareTo method instead of equality. 如果要区分大小写,可以使用CompareTo方法而不是相等方法。

If necessary you could add error trapping in case the column index is out of range. 如有必要,您可以添加错误捕获,以防列索引超出范围。

Finally... I did the snippet: 终于...我做了摘录:

#Region " [ListView] Find ListView Text "

    ' [ListView] Find ListView Text Function
    ' // By Elektro H@cker
    ' Examples :
    ' MsgBox(Find_ListView_Text(ListView1, "Test"))
    ' MsgBox(Find_ListView_Text(ListView1, "Test", 2, True, True))
    ' If Find_ListView_Text(ListView1, "Test") Then...

    Private Function Find_ListView_Text(ByVal ListView As ListView, _
                                        ByVal SearchString As String, _
                                        Optional ByVal ColumnIndex As Int32 = Nothing, _
                                        Optional ByVal MatchFullText As Boolean = True, _
                                        Optional ByVal IgnoreCase As Boolean = True) As Boolean

        Dim ListViewColumnIndex As Int32 = ListView.Columns.Count - 1

        Select Case ColumnIndex

            Case Is < 0, Is > ListViewColumnIndex ' ColumnIndex is out of range

                Throw New Exception("ColumnIndex is out of range. " & vbNewLine & _
                                    "ColumnIndex Argument: " & ColumnIndex & vbNewLine & _
                                    "ColumnIndex ListView: " & ListViewColumnIndex)

            Case Nothing ' ColumnIndex is nothing

                If MatchFullText AndAlso IgnoreCase Then ' Match full text, All columns, IgnoreCase
                    For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items
                        For X As Int32 = 0 To ListViewColumnIndex
                            If Item.SubItems(X).Text.ToLower = SearchString.ToLower Then Return True
                ElseIf MatchFullText AndAlso Not IgnoreCase Then ' Match full text, All columns, CaseSensitive
                    For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items
                        For X As Int32 = 0 To ListViewColumnIndex
                            If Item.SubItems(X).Text = SearchString Then Return True
                ElseIf Not MatchFullText AndAlso IgnoreCase Then ' Match part of text, All columns, IgnoreCase
                    If ListView1.FindItemWithText(SearchString) IsNot Nothing Then _
                         Return True _
                    Else Return False
                ElseIf Not MatchFullText AndAlso Not IgnoreCase Then ' Match part of text, All columns, CaseSensitive
                    For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items
                        For X As Int32 = 0 To ListViewColumnIndex
                            If Item.SubItems(X).Text.Contains(SearchString) Then Return True
                End If

            Case Else ' ColumnIndex is other else

                If MatchFullText AndAlso IgnoreCase Then ' Match full text, ColumnIndex, IgnoreCase
                    For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items
                        If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text.ToLower = SearchString.ToLower Then Return True
                ElseIf MatchFullText AndAlso Not IgnoreCase Then  ' Match full text, ColumnIndex, CaseSensitive
                    For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items
                        If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text = SearchString Then Return True
                ElseIf Not MatchFullText AndAlso IgnoreCase Then ' Match part of text, ColumnIndex, IgnoreCase
                    For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items
                        If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text.ToLower.Contains(SearchString.ToLower) Then Return True
                ElseIf Not MatchFullText AndAlso Not IgnoreCase Then ' Match part of text, ColumnIndex, CaseSensitive
                    For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items
                        If Item.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text.Contains(SearchString) Then Return True
                End If

        End Select

        Return False

    End Function

#End Region

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