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[英]python accessing variable from different module

I have 2 scripts. 我有2个脚本。 Main.py and module1.py . Main.pymodule1.py

Module1.py Module1.py

class classA():
    def method1(self):
    def method2():
class classB():
class classC():

Main.py 主程序

import module1
print module1.classA.c    

I am trying to access the variable c from module1.py classA in the main.py But when i run main.py, it gave me error saying "c is not defined".What is the correct way to do it? 我试图从访问变量c module1.py classAmain.py但是当我运行main.py,它给了我错误说“C没有定义”。什么是做了正确的方法是什么? i have tried _builtin_ as well but it gave me the same error. 我也尝试过_builtin_ ,但这给了我同样的错误。

You did not call the function, thus self.c would never have been created. 您没有调用该函数,因此将永远不会创建self.c Also, create an instance of the class: 另外,创建该类的实例:

import module1
myinst = module1.classA()
print myinst.c

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