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[英]Accessing variable in module / Module scope in Python

I would like to use a variable that I define in my application inside of a module. 我想在模块内的应用程序中使用定义的变量。

The folder structure: 文件夹结构:

myapp.py myapp.py

modules/checkargs.py modules / checkargs.py

modules/ init .py (an empty file) modules / init .py(一个空文件)

Main app (myapp.py): 主应用程序(myapp.py):

    'stuff': 'here'

from modules.checkargs import checkargs

if __name__ == "__main__":

checkargs.py: checkargs.py:

def checkargs(argv):

    global _PARAMETERS;

    #more Python insanity here

The error: 错误:

NameError: global name '_PARAMETERS' is not defined NameError:全局名称“ _PARAMETERS”未定义

In general, you should avoid this style of programming. 通常,您应该避免这种编程风格。 Modules shouldn't rely on global variables defined in other modules. 模块不应依赖于其他模块中定义的全局变量。 A better solution would be to pass _PARAMETERS in to checkargs , or move _PARAMETERS to a file that can be shared by multiple modules. 更好的解决方案是将_PARAMETERS传递到checkargs ,或将_PARAMETERS移至可以由多个模块共享的文件。

Passing the data to checkargs 将数据传递给checkargs

Generally speaking, relying on global variables is a bad idea. 一般来说,依靠全局变量是一个坏主意。 Perhaps the best solution is to pass PARAMETERS directly into your checkargs function. 也许最好的解决方案是将PARAMETERS直接传递到您的checkargs函数中。

# checkargs.py
def checkargs(argv, parameters):

# myapp.py
if __name__ == "__main__":
    checkargs(sys.argv[1:], _PARAMETERS)

Creating a shared data module 创建共享数据模块

If you have data that you want to share between modules, you can place that data in a third module that every other module imports: 如果您有要在模块之间共享的数据,则可以将该数据放在每个其他模块导入的第三个模块中:

# modules/shared.py

# myapp.py
from modules.shared import PARAMETERS

# checkargs.py
from modules.shared import PARAMETERS

Other solutions 其他解决方案

There are other solutions, though I think the above two solutions are best. 还有其他解决方案,尽管我认为上述两种解决方案是最好的。 For example, your main program can copy the parameters to the checkargs module like this: 例如,您的主程序可以将参数复制到checkargs模块,如下所示:

# myapp.py
import checkargs

You could also have checkargs directly reference the value in your main module, but that requires a circular import. 您也可以让checkargs直接引用主模块中的值,但这需要循环导入。 Circular imports should be avoided. 应避免循环进口。

Why would it be defined? 为什么要定义它? It's from a different module. 它来自其他模块。 Inside checkargs.py, you'd need to do: 在checkargs.py中,您需要执行以下操作:

from myapp import _PARAMETERS

However: 然而:

  1. You shouldn't name it with a _ then, since that implies private/protected variables. 您不应该使用_命名,因为这意味着私有/受保护的变量。
  2. You should probably pass the dictionary from myapp into the checkargs functions instead of importing it there. 您可能应该将字典从myapp传递到checkargs函数中,而不是将其导入那里。 If you don't, you're creating a circular import, which is logically terrible and doesn't actually work. 如果不这样做,那么您将创建一个循环导入,这在逻辑上是可怕的,实际上是行不通的。

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