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[英]How can I wrap my user control in code behind?

In my jquery I do: 在我的jquery我做:

var userControl = $('#userControl').wrap('<li />').parent()

how can I do that on the server? 我怎么能在服务器上这样做? So far I have: 到目前为止,我有:

UserControl userControl = Page.LoadControl("~/Controls/userControl.ascx");

Try using a PlaceHolder. 尝试使用PlaceHolder。 A PlaceHolder does not load a container element. PlaceHolder不加载容器元素。 Assume that the Placeholder is called plcTest: 假设占位符被称为plcTest:

 UserControl userControl = Page.LoadControl("~/Controls/userControl.ascx");

Frontend code would look like this: 前端代码如下所示:

<li><asp:PlaceHolder ID="plcTest" runat="server" ></asp:PlaceHolder></li>

Try this: 尝试这个:

HtmlGenericControl li = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
UserControl userControl = Page.LoadControl("~/Controls/userControl.ascx");

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