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[英]How can I find span from code behind and add user control to it?

I've a div 我有一个div

<div id="PageContent" runat="server"></div>

Now I'm adding HTML to it from code behind(c#) like this 现在我正在从代码隐藏(c#)这样添加HTML

PageContent.InnerHtml =mytext;

where mytext is the content I want to add in PageContent div, mytext contains a span in between some text(it can be any string), something like this 其中mytext是我要在PageContent div中添加的内容,mytext包含一些文本之间的跨度(可以是任何字符串),类似这样的东西

This is some <span id="span1"> </span> text

How can I find span from code behind and add user control to it? 如何从代码后面找到span并为其添加用户控件?

//This is some <span id="span1" runat="server"> </span>

//In the code behind...

var span1 = this.FindControl("span1") as HtmlGenericControl;
var controlPath = "path of your user control";
var someControl = LoadControl(controlPath);

解析/提取span1mytext ,创建HtmlGenericControl这个解析信息,将其添加到PageContent格,然后尝试添加用户控件这个span

 var span = new HtmlGenericControl("span");
 span.InnerHtml = "Hello ";
 span.Attributes["id"] = "span";
 span.ID = "span";
 String myTesxt = @"This is some " + span.InnerHtml + " text";
 myDiv.InnerHtml = myTesxt;
 span.InnerHtml = "";

 var a=myDiv.FindControl("span");

Try adding span like this in your Div then you will find it in your code behind. 尝试在Div中添加这样的跨度,然后您将在后面的代码中找到它。 Try this. 试试这个。 Hopefully this will solve your purpose. 希望这将解决您的目的。

You can add attributes in the span according to your need. 您可以根据需要在跨度中添加属性。

To add pure tag of the span with the back code please as following code 要使用后面的代码添加跨度的纯标记,请按以下代码进行操作

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    HtmlGenericControl span = new HtmlGenericControl("span");
    span.InnerHtml = sb.ToString();

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