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[英]How can I access and set the properties of span control from code behind?

This I what I am able to do with a label control. 这就是我能够使用标签控件执行的操作。

Label mylabel = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("label1");

I would like to do the same with a span and input control. 我想对跨度和输入控件执行相同的操作。 This is what i tried , but it doesn't work. 这是我尝试过的方法,但是不起作用。

var myspan = e.Row.FindControl("span1");
TextBox myinput=(TextBox)e.row.FindControl("Textbox1");

This is my aspx code: 这是我的aspx代码:

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="abc" SortExpression="val1">
        <span id='myspan<%#Eval("Sno")%>'>
    <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Width="100px" />
    <HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Width="100px" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="abc2" SortExpression="val2">
        <input id='mytextBox<%#Eval("Sno")%>' type="text"
            onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event,this);" onchange="return RowUpdategrid(event,this,<%#Eval("Sno")%>,'<%#Eval("val3") %>');this.oldvalue = this.value;"
            onfocus="this.oldvalue = this.value;" maxlength="12" class="GridText" style="width: 70px"
            value='<%#Eval("CurrentYearLiquidatedPlan")%>' onpaste="return false" disabled="disabled" />
    <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" />
    <HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Width="105px" />

You can only find server side controls through e.Row.FindControl . 您只能通过e.Row.FindControl找到服务器端控件。 That means, that you can access only controls with runat="server" through e.Row.FindControl . 这意味着,您只能通过e.Row.FindControl访问带有runat="server" e.Row.FindControl Default HTML Tags without runat="server" cannot be accessed. 没有runat="server"默认HTML标签无法访问。

Also have a look at the following SO Post " How to access span id in code behind ". 也可以看看下面的SO Post“ 如何在后面的代码中访问span ID ”。

<span id="expSpan" runat="server"></span>

When you want to format your output, you can use 当您要格式化输出时,可以使用

<span id='myspan<%#Eval("Sno")%>'><%#Eval("abc", "0:n3")%></span>

Please look at Standard Numeric Format Strings in MSDN for details. 请查看MSDN中的标准数字格式字符串以了解详细信息。


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