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[英]How can i access a server side control from asp.net code behind file using reflection?

For example, if i have on the aspx page: 例如,如果我在aspx页面上:

<asp:PlaceHolder ID="tab_0" runat="server" Visible="false"></asp:PlaceHolder>
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="tab_1" runat="server" Visible="false"></asp:PlaceHolder>

and i want to access these properties in the code behind page using values from a configuration file for example 我想使用例如配置文件中的值在页面后面的代码中访问这些属性

string enabledTabs = "0,1,2,3";

if there a way i can use reflection to set them to enabled or disabled eg 如果有一种方法,我可以使用反射将其设置为启用或禁用,例如

foreach(var id in enabledTabs.Split(',')) 
  // <use reflection to get the correct tab control>

  // Set property of the tab
  tab.Visible = true;

I could acheive the result i want by using a switch statement and setting the particular control property, but i'd like to use reflection to get the tab to make it cleaner. 我可以通过使用switch语句并设置特定的控件属性来实现所需的结果,但是我想使用反射来使选项卡更加整洁。

Could anyone help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

You don't need reflection. 您不需要反思。 Use Page.FindControl : 使用Page.FindControl

foreach(var id in enabledTabs.Split(','))
    PlaceHolder control = (PlaceHolder)this.FindControl("tab_"+id));
    control.Visible = true;
foreach(var id in enabledTabs.Split(',')) 

    // Set property of the tab
    Page.FindControl("tab_" + id.ToString()).Visible = true;


Control tab = Control.FindControl("tab_"+id);


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