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捆绑安装后,Gems不在Local Gems中

[英]Gems not in Local Gems after bundle install

New machine. 新机器。 New rbenv install. 新的rbenv安装。 New rbenv-gemset install. 新的rbenv-gemset安装。 New ruby-2.0.0 install. 新的ruby-2.0.0安装。 New rails 4.0.0 app. 新的rails 4.0.0应用程序。

When I 当我

$ bundle install

from the rails app directory, I get 从rails app目录,我得到

Your bundle is complete!
It was installed into ./vendor/bundle

But, if I then 但是,如果我那么

$ gem list

none of the gems that were supposedly installed show up. 所有安装的宝石都没有显示出来。

I have run 我跑了

$ rbenv rehash

Why could this be? 为什么会这样?

Additional info: 附加信息:

$ which bundle
$ rbenv which bundle
$ rbenv which ruby
$ ruby --version
ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [x86_64-darwin12.4.0]
$ rbenv gemset active
$ which rails

Your default in this app is to install to vendor/bundle . 此应用程序中的默认设置是安装到vendor/bundle You can tell this by It was installed into ./vendor/bundle text which appears after gems installation. 你可以告诉It was installed into ./vendor/bundle在gems安装后出现的It was installed into ./vendor/bundle文本中。

Bundler documentation specifies that you have to pass --system to install in system location: Bundler文档指定您必须将--system传递给系统位置中的安装:

--system: Install to the system location ($BUNDLE_PATH or $GEM_HOME) even
          if the bundle was previously installed somewhere else for this

EDIT: More explanation is that your ruby knows only about gems installed with --system option when not using bundle exec . 编辑:更多的解释是,你的ruby只知道在不使用bundle exec时使用--system选项安装的gem。 You can see your gems from vendor/bundle or whatever path you've chosen by running bundle exec gem list or (as Casper noticed) bundle list . 您可以通过运行bundle exec gem list或(如Casper注意到的) bundle listvendor/bundle或您选择的任何路径中查看您的gem。 Now it is your choice whether you want your gems in system location or in application directory. 现在,您可以选择是在系统位置还是在应用程序目录中使用宝石。

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