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[英]LDAP Authentication with Java, explanation needed

if you could please explain to me one piece of the following code that I don't quite understand I would be grateful: 如果可以的话,请向我解释一下我不太理解的以下代码,我将不胜感激:

What does (&(cn=*)({0}={1})) mean in the filter field? (&(cn=*)({0}={1}))在过滤器字段中是什么意思?

I know that cn means search for the cn attribute and then ADD the result to ({0}={1}) . 我知道cn表示搜索cn属性,然后将结果添加到({0}={1})

What is the meaning of ({0}={1}) ? ({0}={1})是什么意思?

Here's the code: 这是代码:

try {
     // Create initial context
     ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
     Attributes matchAttrs = new BasicAttributes(true);
     matchAttrs.put(new BasicAttribute(ldap_id_field, netid));

     String attlist[] = {ldap_email_field, ldap_givenname_field, 
            ldap_surname_field, ldap_phone_field};

    // look up attributes
      try {
      SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls();
     NamingEnumeration answer = 
     ctx.search(ldap_search_context, "(&(cn=*)({0}={1}))", new Object[]  {ldap_id_field,netid},ctls);

It looks wrong to me. 在我看来,这是错误的。 All that filter does is find entries which have any CN and which match an attribute name/value pair specified as arguments to the search, in ldap_id_field and netid respectively. 过滤器所做的只是在ldap_id_field和netid中查找具有任何CN且与指定为搜索参数的属性名称/值对匹配的条目。 There is no 'adding' going on: the & means that both filter-expressions must match. 没有“添加”操作:&表示两个filter-expressions必须匹配。

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