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[英]How to keep class method names that override\implements another method from being obfuscated?

If I have a Class B that implements Interface A and Proguard isn't aware of the existence of that interface, How can I keep the names of the methods that implements interface A's abstract methods? 如果我有一个Class B实现Interface A而Proguard不知道该接口是否存在,我怎样才能保留实现接口A抽象方法的方法的名称?

Please notice that I want to keep the method names, but I do want their content to be obfuscated. 请注意我想保留方法名称,但我确实希望它们的内容被混淆。

Update: This is what I have (Please notice the comments): 更新:这就是我所拥有的(请注意评论):

public class MyService extends Service {

   // an anonymous class that implements ServiceConnection 
   private ServiceConnection myConnection = new ServiceConnection()
      // don't change the following method's name
      public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service)
          // I want this section to be obfuscated


I want a general solution for these kind of cases - I don't want to state interfaces names in the ProGuard configuration. 我想要这种情况的一般解决方案 - 我不想在ProGuard配置中声明接口名称。

  • Keeping all public class names and keep (prevent obfuscation) of their public and protected methods. 保留所有公共类名称并保持(防止混淆)其公共和受保护的方法。
  • In non-public classes and keep (prevent obfuscation) all public and protected methods. 在非公共类中,保持(防止混淆)所有公共和受保护的方法。 This will keep the methods that might implement or extend other methods, from being obfuscated. 这将使可能实现或扩展其他方法的方法不被混淆。
  • Don't keep the local variables attributes (make sure that "LocalVariableTable" and "LocalVariableTypeTable" are not stated in the "-keepattributes" option). 不要保留局部变量属性(确保“-keepattributes”选项中未声明“LocalVariableTable”和“LocalVariableTypeTable”)。

So your .pro file should look like this - 所以你的.pro文件应该是这样的 -

#Keeping all public class names and keep (prevent obfuscation) of their public and protected methods
-keep public class * {
    public protected <methods>;

# Keep (prevent obfuscation) all public and protected methods in non-public classes.
# Notice that the non-public class names will still get obfuscated
-keepclassmembers !public class * {
    public protected <methods>;

# Don't keep the local variables attributes (LocalVariableTable and LocalVariableTypeTable are dropped).
-keepattributes Exceptions,Signature,Deprecated,SourceFile,SourceDir,LineNumberTable,Synthetic,EnclosingMethod,RuntimeVisibleAnnotations,RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations,RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations,RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations,AnnotationDefault,InnerClasses,*Annotation*

I have writtern a blog for Progaurding the Android application. 我为Progaurding Android应用程序编写了博客。 Please check the link below 请检查以下链接

http://techspreadwithshraddha.wordpress.com/2013/03/26/android-progaurd/ http://techspreadwithshraddha.wordpress.com/2013/03/26/android-progaurd/

ProGuard can do what you describe. ProGuard可以按照您的描述进行操作。 If you don't want it to rename classes and methods, Please try the following one : 如果您不希望它重命名类和方法,请尝试以下方法:

-keep,allowshrinking,allowoptimization class * { <methods>; }

Hope this helps 希望这可以帮助

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