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How to keep class method names that override\implements another method from being obfuscated?

If I have a Class B that implements Interface A and Proguard isn't aware of the existence of that interface, How can I keep the names of the methods that implements interface A's abstract methods?

Please notice that I want to keep the method names, but I do want their content to be obfuscated.

Update: This is what I have (Please notice the comments):

public class MyService extends Service {

   // an anonymous class that implements ServiceConnection 
   private ServiceConnection myConnection = new ServiceConnection()
      // don't change the following method's name
      public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service)
          // I want this section to be obfuscated


I want a general solution for these kind of cases - I don't want to state interfaces names in the ProGuard configuration.

  • Keeping all public class names and keep (prevent obfuscation) of their public and protected methods.
  • In non-public classes and keep (prevent obfuscation) all public and protected methods. This will keep the methods that might implement or extend other methods, from being obfuscated.
  • Don't keep the local variables attributes (make sure that "LocalVariableTable" and "LocalVariableTypeTable" are not stated in the "-keepattributes" option).

So your .pro file should look like this -

#Keeping all public class names and keep (prevent obfuscation) of their public and protected methods
-keep public class * {
    public protected <methods>;

# Keep (prevent obfuscation) all public and protected methods in non-public classes.
# Notice that the non-public class names will still get obfuscated
-keepclassmembers !public class * {
    public protected <methods>;

# Don't keep the local variables attributes (LocalVariableTable and LocalVariableTypeTable are dropped).
-keepattributes Exceptions,Signature,Deprecated,SourceFile,SourceDir,LineNumberTable,Synthetic,EnclosingMethod,RuntimeVisibleAnnotations,RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations,RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations,RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations,AnnotationDefault,InnerClasses,*Annotation*

I have writtern a blog for Progaurding the Android application. Please check the link below


ProGuard can do what you describe. If you don't want it to rename classes and methods, Please try the following one :

-keep,allowshrinking,allowoptimization class * { <methods>; }

Hope this helps

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