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[英]PyFITS: File already exists

I'm really close to completing a large code, but the final segment of it seems to be failing and I don't know why.我真的很接近完成一个大代码,但它的最后一部分似乎失败了,我不知道为什么。 What I'm trying to do here is take an image-array, compare it to a different image array, and wherever the initial image array equals 1, I want to mask that portion out in the second image array.我在这里尝试做的是获取一个图像数组,将其与不同的图像数组进行比较,并且无论初始图像数组等于 1,我都想在第二个图像数组中屏蔽该部分。 However, I'm getting a strange error:但是,我收到一个奇怪的错误:


for i in range (newmaskimg.shape[0]):
    for j in range (newmaskimg.shape[1]):
        if newmaskimg[i,j]==1:


/home/vidur/se_files/fetch_swarp10.py in objmask(inimgs, inwhts, thresh1, thresh2, tfdel, xceng, yceng, outdir, tmpdir)
    122             if newmaskimg[i,j]==1:
    123                 oimg[i,j]=0
--> 124     pf.writeto('newestmask'+str(inimgs)[5:16]+'.fits',newmaskimg)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyfits/convenience.pyc in writeto(filename, data, header, output_verify, clobber, checksum)
    396         hdu = PrimaryHDU(data, header=header)
    397     hdu.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber, output_verify=output_verify,
--> 398                 checksum=checksum)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyfits/hdu/base.pyc in writeto(self, name, output_verify, clobber, checksum)
    348         hdulist = HDUList([self])
    349         hdulist.writeto(name, output_verify, clobber=clobber,
--> 350                         checksum=checksum)
    352     def _get_raw_data(self, shape, code, offset):

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyfits/hdu/hdulist.pyc in writeto(self, fileobj, output_verify, clobber, checksum)
    651                     os.remove(filename)
    652                 else:
--> 653                     raise IOError("File '%s' already exists." % filename)
    654         elif (hasattr(fileobj, 'len') and fileobj.len > 0):
    655             if clobber:

IOError: File 'newestmaskPHOTOf105w0.fits' already exists.

If you don't care about overwriting the existing file, pyfits.writeto accepts a clobber argument to automatically overwrite existing files (it will still output a warning):如果你不关心覆盖现有文件, pyfits.writeto接受一个clobber参数来自动覆盖现有文件(它仍然会输出警告):

pyfits.writeto(..., clobber=True)

As an aside, let me be very emphatic that the code you posted above is very much not the right way to use Numpy.顺便说一句,让我非常强调您上面发布的代码非常不是使用 Numpy 的正确方法。 The loop in your code can be written in one line and will be orders of magnitude faster.代码中的循环可以写在一行中,速度会快几个数量级。 For example, one of many possibilities is to write it like this:例如,许多可能性之一是这样写:

oimg[newmaskimg == 1] = 0

Yes, add clobber = True .是的,添加clobber = True I've used this in my codes before and it works just fine.我以前在我的代码中使用过它,它工作得很好。 Or, simply go and sudo rm path/to/file and get rid of them so you can run it again.或者,只需去sudo rm path/to/file并删除它们,以便您可以再次运行它。

I had the same issue and as it turns out using the argument clobber still works but won't be supported in future versions of AstroPy.我遇到了同样的问题,结果证明使用参数clobber仍然有效,但在未来版本的 AstroPy 中将不受支持。

The argument overwrite does the same thing and doesn't put out an error message.参数overwrite做同样的事情并且不会发出错误消息。

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