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[英]Python install of setup.py files not running 2to3

Recently, when trying to install the pyglet module for openGL in python, I have run into a problem. 最近,当尝试在python中为openGL安装pyglet模块时,我遇到了问题。 It appears that when running a setup.py file, it is not converted with 2to3. 似乎在运行setup.py文件时,不会使用2to3进行转换。 Due to this issue, I am unable to use pyglet in python 3 due to errors from the python 2 code contained in pyglet. 由于这个问题,由于pyglet中包含的python 2代码出现错误,因此我无法在python 3中使用pyglet。 Any help is appreciated thanks. 任何帮助表示赞赏,谢谢。

使用具有Python 3支持的1.2alpha1版本。

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