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[英]How to get the text value of the selected option of a select jquery object?

if I'm passing a jquery object that I know is a select object, how can I get the text (not the value) of the option that is selected? 如果我要传递一个我知道是选择对象的jquery对象,如何获取所选选项的文本(而不是值)?

I'm needing something like this. 我需要这样的东西。

...function ($select){

    var selectedText = $select.selected().text();


And since $select is already a jquery object, I cant really change the selector of the object to use ":selected". 并且由于$ select已经是一个jquery对象,因此我无法真正将对象的选择器更改为使用“:selected”。



You can use this:- 您可以使用以下方法:

Suppose you have a dropdown like this:-

    <select id="dropdown">
        <option value="aa">a</option>
        <option value="bb">b</option>
        <option value="cc">c</option>

then javascript will be like this:- 那么javascript将会是这样的:

   $(document).ready(function() {
        obj = $('#dropdown :selected')
        value = obj.val()
        alert(value) # will alert aa/bb/cc 

        text = obj.text()
        alert(text) # will alert a/b/c

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