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[英]How to set the selected value of Select Option in jQuery?

I am retreiving users and their id in Laravel. 我正在Laravel中检索用户及其ID。 I retrieved the selected user ID and their full names. 我检索了所选的用户ID及其全名。 I want to set the selected option according to the current ID. 我想根据当前ID设置选定的选项。

This is the value of the current user ID: 这是当前用户标识的值:

<input class="selected-user" type="input" value="{{$selectedUser}}" readonly />

This is my select code in Laravel Blade: 这是我在Laravel Blade中选择的代码:

        <div class="form-group required">

            {!! Form::label('user_name', 'Assigned to', ['class' => 'control-label required']) !!}

            <div class="controls">

                <select class="form-control form-field-username form-field-user-edit form-field-users">
                    @foreach($users as $user)
                        <option value="{{$user->id}}">{{$user->getFullNameAttribute()}} </option>



This is my jquery code: 这是我的jQuery代码:

var selectedUser = $('.selected-user').val();

    $('.form-field-user-edit > option[value="selectedUser"]').attr('selected','selected');

The above code is not working. 上面的代码不起作用。

I want to mark the select selected option according to the value .selected-user 我想根据.selected-user值标记select selected选项

Try this.. You can select the option from server side 试试看。。您可以从服务器端选择选项

<select class="form-control form-field-username form-field-user-edit form-field-users">
    @foreach($users as $user)
         <option value="{{$user->id}}" {{ $selectedUser== $user->id ? 'selected="selected"' : '' }}>{{$user->getFullNameAttribute()}} </option>

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/option https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTML/Element/option

You should instead do this on the server side using the html. 相反,您应该使用html在服务器端执行此操作。 The link I pasted is about the tag, and down the list you see an attribute called "selected". 我粘贴的链接与标签有关,在列表下方,您看到了一个称为“选定”的属性。 if this is present in your tag, it will be selected: 如果您的标签中包含此标签,则将其选中:

<option value="?" selected> This option is selected </option>

You just have to change the line of code from, 您只需要更改以下代码行,

 $('.form-field-user-edit > option[value="selectedUser"]').attr('selected','selected');


$('.form-field-user-edit > option[value="selectedUser"]').attr('selected',true);

Try this: 尝试这个:

var selectedUser = $('.selected-user').val();

$('.form-field-user-edit > option[value="'+ selectedUser +'"]').prop('selected', true);

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