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[英]loop through fixed number of files within a directory

How can I loop through a fixed number of files within a directory with glob.glob ? 如何使用glob.glob在目录中循环访问固定数量的文件? If there's more than x files within that directory, I only want to loop through x and then exit the loop. 如果该目录中的文件超过x个,我只想遍历x个然后退出循环。 How do I do this? 我该怎么做呢?

Use itertools.islice() and glob.iglob() to efficiently limit the number of results you can loop over: 使用itertools.islice()glob.iglob()有效限制可以循环遍历的结果数:

from itertools import islice
import glob

x = 1000
limited_files = islice(glob.iglob('pattern.*'), x)
for filename in limited_files:
    #  handle filename

Even if there are many, way too many matches in a directory, you'll never handle more than the first 1000 matches, without creating several lists with matching filenames. 即使目录中有太多匹配项,如果不创建多个具有匹配文件名的列表,您将永远无法处理前1000个匹配项。

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