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[英]how does cobj work in typo3 extension?

I am reading one typo3 extension file: 我正在读取一个typo3扩展文件:

class.tx_jcjob_pi1.php class.tx_jcjob_pi1.php

$this->template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['templateFile']);

class.tslib_pibase.php class.tslib_pibase.php

var $cObj;

class.tslib_content.php class.tslib_content.php

function fileResource

Question: How does this line work: $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['templateFile']); 问题:这行是如何工作的: $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['templateFile']); ?

  1. there is not such codes: such as $cObj = new tslib_cObj() , how did $cObj get instantiated? 没有这样的代码:例如$cObj = new tslib_cObj() ,如何实例化$cObj

  2. there is no such codes like require_once('class.tslib_content.php'); 没有像require_once('class.tslib_content.php');这样的代码require_once('class.tslib_content.php'); how could $this->cObj use the method in class.tslib_content.php ? 怎么可能$this->cObj使用方法class.tslib_content.php

This is all done by Typo3's page renderer before your plugin's code is executed. 这全部由Typo3的页面渲染器完成,然后执行插件的代码。

Because the class of your plugin extends pi_base , and pi_base was instantiated by Typo3, alot of functions are already there to leverage. 因为您的插件的类extends pi_base ,并且pi_base已由Typo3实例化,所以已经有很多函数可以利用。

So if you would not have extended pi_base, $this->cObj would not be there, and you would need to create it yourself with for example: 因此,如果您没有扩展pi_base,则$this->cObj将不存在,并且您需要使用以下示例自己创建它:

$cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');

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